

Doraemon:Nobita's Residential Evil part-4
Nobita goes to a music room and saw a piano there.When Nobita was watching that piano.Kenji and Taro comes to that room and Kenji is started to play a music in piano.After that a secret door opened automatically.Nobita goes inside the secret room and found a golden Emblem.Then he found a hole in the wall that is of same shape as golden emblem.After that a new hole formed in that wall and he found a red jewel from that hole.Then he goes to the computer room and he found a blue jewel from a open locker of the computer room.After that Nobita found a code 538 and he also found a hidden dialand Nobita putted the code into it and a hidden door opened automatically.He goes inside the door and found two statues which had holes of same shape as the red and blue jewel.Nobita inserted the two jewels in the hole of the statue.Then a door opened and a process started there but Nobita confused that what is going on??????.So,he goes to the next room and he is searching some medikits there but at that time a big chamelion type monster attacked Nobita from the behind as told as Yasuo.Nobita dodged the first attack of that monster.Nobita loaded his shotgun and started firing on the big chamelion but the chamelion body is still regenerating.Then the chamelion invisibled him and attacked Nobita.Nobita poisoned and injured very much but he was still fighting with that monster but won't able to kill that monster.In that time Yasuo entered that room and attacked that chamelion with a grenade launcher.The monster injured very much but he attacked at Yasuo and ate him.Then Nobita picked up that grenade launcher and killed that monster.Then Seina entered that room and saw that Nobita is poisoned and that Seina gave green and red herb to Nobita and his blood purified and his wounds are healed.

To be continued........

Part 5 is coming soon.....

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