


In a parallel world, in which truth and lies are intertwined in a sinister way, the real truth is hidden. Simply terrifying that only the brave dare to look for it.

Deep in the darkness, where shadows writhe and whisper ancient secrets, lies the essence of the soul. A mysterious force that stalks those who venture to unravel its mysteries.

Where there were brave explorers who entered that unknown world, discovering the treasure that lies hidden in the cracks of reality. A truth so absolute and so disturbing at the same time, that it shakes the very foundations of your being.

Being more than a revelation, it is a condemnation. Those who discover it are consumed by the terror of the unknown, by the certainty that reality is just an illusion and that darkness lurks in every corner.

Because we are not made for it, since the essence of the soul is a dark and ancient power, which feeds on the anguish and fear of those who dare to face it. An uncontrollable force that takes over minds and drives them to the point of losing their sanity, condemning them to an eternity of suffering.

In this world of terror and mystery, where the truth is more terrifying than lies, only the camicaces dare to seek and discover the essence of the soul. But beware, intrepid traveler, for once you begin this dangerous journey, there may be no turning back.

Do you dare to be a camicace or do you want to live the world with the illusion of a fool and the vision of a blind man? We are not made for it, and it is not because we can improve ourselves, it is because society is so atrophied and amorphous that even what we They call education, it is the return of what you really need to know....
- a ray of light said to a mind before dying -.

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