

Unforgotten Love💕
A/N: Hello guys, this is my first ever short story. I hope you will like it. Do comment because your suggestions are precious for me😇

After five years of relationship, Zone was going to going to break-up with Misha. Yes, he was going to broke her heart. She was the girl whom he had loved with all his heart. She was the only one for her. She was like a moon of his sky. Misha
was his everything!!
But today he was going to tear his world apart. He was going to broke their pure relationship.The reason was his crumbling financial condition. His father's bussiness went down after the economic slowdown and his whole family was suffering from the debt given by money lenders and bank. His parents were having problems to run their home and his sister was seriously ill. He had never imagined that one day he will be struggling for his daily needs.
Zone's love for Misha was eternal. He loved her unconditionly. Their love bloomed during their college days. They were the best couples of their college. zone had never imagined that one day he will have to leave Misha. He can never hurt her even in his dreams. But time changed and the good fortune turned into misfortune! He wanted to give her all glories and happiness of life .He didn't want her to live in poor conditions where she had to struggle consistantly even to fulfill her small wishes. So he decieded that it was good for Misha to breakup with him.
He arrived at Misha's place. He knocked the door. A girl around 23 years old opened the door....she was Misha. She became happy to see Zone.This was his last time to see his beloved Misha. She hugged him tightly and asked him to come in. But Zone denied the offer.
Zone told her with expressionless face," Misha this is our last meeting! I am going to break-up with you."
"What are you saying Zone? Stop joking with me! You know i hate these types of jokes." Misha said.
"I am not joking. I am going abroad for my further studies. My marriage has been fixed to a super rich girl. I am going to marry her."
"What the heck are you talking about Zone? What about our love? You can't do this to me" Misha cried.
"This is over baby. I have become bore of you. And I don't love you anymore." Zone started to walk away from her home.
Misha tried to chase him screaming loudly that she still loved him. She pulled his hand and said," I don't know what had happened to you but I am certain that you are lying to me. I know something is wrong...please baby talk to me, we can sort out the wrong things. But please don't leave me."
Zone told Misha to let go but when she didn't left his hand, he jerked his hand and pushed her to the ground. He said," Nothing is wrong with me. I am not interested in you anymore. So just leave me alone. And stop chasing after me."
At this he left her sobbing and crying on the ground. After reaching afar from Misha's house he started crying, his legs were wobling, tears were streaming down towards his cheeks.
Zone was doing a job in a small company, his financial condition was stabled but not so good. His sister had died because of her illness. He hadn't married to anyone neither was he in any relation. He just focused on his job to support his family. Every night he felt empty and alone. He always cried whenever the memories of Misha swept over him. He hadn't forgotten the day of their breakup. After their breakup he had moved to another city with his family and had cut the contact with his old friends.
one day Zone went to meet a client in a cafe. He was reached their half an hour early. He ordered a coffee and started drinking it. He was looking at the surroundings when his eyes saw familiar girl. She was working at the cafe as a waitress. She came to his table, he startled to see the girl. She was his Misha. Both of them looked deep into each other's eyes for few moments. After that Misha greeted him bashfully.
She said," Hello, umm...how are you, Zone."
"I...umm..I am fine. what about you? why are you working here? "
"I am good. I run this cafe. So ...how is your wife?"
"Wife??" He became confused, but in a moment, he stuttered," she is ..umm..fine. She is good. And what about you? have you married yet?Do your husband work in this city?"
"I haven't married to anyone!!" she grumply said.
"But why? If you haven't married to anyone why are you living here?"
"Because of you. I love you and my parents were pressurizing me to get merried. I left them and started living here."
"Are you insane? when you knew that i wasn't interested in you so why didn't you moved on? why do you keep holding my memories?"
" How can I move on Zone? when I know that you are still in love with me. When i know that you haven't married and when i know the whole truth about our breakup!!!"
" What are you talking about? what truth?? I have married and I have children....
"Stop it zone! stop lying to me. After our breakup I went to your house when I came to knew that you have moved to another place...I started beleiving your story about our breakup until I met your father's business partner ..who is my cousin uncle, he told me about your family problems. I wanted to came to you I searched for you quite a long time but you have already cut all contacts from all of your friends. But somehow with the help of my friend I found you. But I decieded to give you some space. And the cleint whome you were going to meet today is my friend. I asked for her help because I knew that you will not meet to me."
Zone started crying, he hugged Misha tightly. He didn't want to get seprated from her again. He said," I am really sorry Misha. I thought that I will not be able to fulfill your wishes and you will not be happy with me that's why I lied to you."
Misha chuckled wiping his tears,"How can you think that you can't fulfill my wishes...when my only wish is you. I want nothing but you. Whenever I was gloomy, you were always there to make me happy. You always made me laugh. I love you with my whole heart.."
Zone said "I also love you. Please forgive me.Those three years without you were like hell for me. Please come back to me."At this Misha forgave Zone and kissed his cheeks bashfully. After that they decieded to marry and lived together happily.


A/N: So guys how was this story. I hope you like it. Do comment because your opinion matters to me.💕