

angel x demon pt 2
~Evangeline POV~
Lilith and Delores come back after a few minutes. I wonder what they were talking about. Lilith sits in the back with me and she looks disappointed, so I decide I'll ask her about it later. For now I decide to cheer her up by playing her favorite songs on Bluetooth. All four of us are jamming right now to Highway to Hell by AC/DC. "This makes me wonder why is there a highway to hell and a stairway to heaven?" Lilith asks me.
"Maybe because you have to work more to get the good fun stuff like going to heaven. But it's easy to fall into temptation and go to hell," I guess.
"I guess. I think it's funny though that those songs exist."
"Yeah that is rather odd. Although if you listen to the lyrics Stairway to Heaven is actually not about working hard and honestly to make it to heaven, it's about drugs."
Her eyes light up with interest. "Actually there's an infinite number of meanings you can get from it. It can be about drug use, sure. But it could also be about the fear of death. Or it could be about greed. It's not the lyrics that are important, it's all about how it's sung. Led Zeppelin is sort of genius for this. How many songs do you know that have this many meanings?"
"Not that many," I admit.

The rest of the car ride we just continue jamming or chatting with all four of us. We drop Lilith off at her house first, so it's just me, Del, and Mabel. "That was a good movie," I announce.
"Yeah. I loved when that one guy did a back flip off the roof then landed it perfectly and got the other guy and he didn't get a single scratch from it," Mabel rants.
"Oh yeah that's was pretty awesome. How about when the two love interests admitted they loved each other while the sun was setting? That felt familiar," Delores says and they both giggle.
"What was your favorite part, Evangeline?" Mabel asks me.
"I really liked that scene where the main charecter had to sacrifice a part of their self to save their love interest. It really shows that love makes you do crazy things. He could have walked away, but instead he gave the villain what he wanted, in order to save the love of his life. It's kind of poetic. He'd be willing to sacrifice something he cares a ton about, just to save his boyfriend. Him getting it back kind of defeats the point, but the fact that he was willing to just give up a part of his soul in order to save a part of his heart, it's phenomenal," I answer.
There was a long silence and in that time I regret my answer for being too philosophical on this fun silly car ride.
Finally Delores says something. "Wow that is a good point I haven't really thought of before. That shows a lot about his charecter. I'd sacrifice myself for you babe," she says and kisses Mabel's hand.
"Aw thanks. I'd sacrifice myself for you in a heartbeat," Mabel says and continues watching the road from the passenger seat.

"Bye guys thanks for the time!" I say after I get out. Ah home at last. Now what do I do? I think I might try to sleep. I don't need to sleep because I'm an angel, however it's fun sometimes to just relax and recharge for a few hours. I decide to try to sleep, but I just can't seem to sleep. Instead I'm wide awake staring at the ceiling overthinking about everything that has happened today. I wonder if Mabel and Delores think I'm weird for my answer. I wonder if my friendship with Lilith is actually some sort of scheme, demons are known to do stuff like that. I can't see Lilith doing that though, not after our conversation in the bowling alley. I really do feel like we have a mutual understanding and we're going to help each other. We've known each other for centuries so we might as well stop being ignorant and hating each other, and begin to understand and grow from each other. I think Lilith might have some good in her after all. Maybe we can become great friends.

~Lilith POV~
As soon as I get home I rethink everything that happened tonight. Evangeline and I started the night despising each other, then we came to an understanding and formed an alliance, but then something came over me. It was a nice feeling but I have to ignore it. I need to make a pro/con list of being mortal, so I spend all night doing so. This is what I've come up with so far within the span of an hour. Pro: not being a demon, freedom, getting to choose my own path, dating pool opens up. Con: no more cool powers, will die and don't know where I'll go, might get murdered by former bosses, taxes, is it really worth it? Currently by my list it would appear that I'm leaning more towards the con side, but I don't want to be a demon forever. I don't feel like being immortal is really worth it if it means I have to suffer and cause suffering forever. Then there's the whole wondering where Evangeline and I stand. Are we friends, enemies, allies, lovers, or something else? Even if we spend forever still bickering I want to spend it with her. I don't want to be mortal if she won't be. Not that I'd ever tell her that though, she'd think I am too soft and we can't have that now can we.

I decide to prank call her at 3:57 AM. She answers with confusion, "Hello? Lilith what's going on?" She sounds like she hasn't slept much either.
"I have an important question," I set up my prank.
"Alright what's the question?"
"Is your refrigerator running?"
"Yeah why wouldn't it be?"
"Well then you'd better go catch it," I laugh and she sighs from her nose.
"It wasn't that funny. Was that your big important question that you had to call me at 4 in the morning for?" She sounds fake disappointed.
"Don't act like you didn't find it at least a little funny. So what are you doing at this hour?"
"I'm just vibing and can't sleep."
"Same. Let me guess, is there too much on your mind?"
"Yep. Want to get some breakfast?" She asks me.
"Yeah that sounds good. I'll pick you up in 5."
"Alright cool," she hangs up.

~Evangeline POV~
Lilith arrives at my front door perfectly on time in her red corvette from 1959. I don't know how she keeps it from breaking down, it must take a demonic miracle for this car to work so perfectly as it used to. "Hi babes thanks for the ride!" I say when I get in to try to be friendly.
"Anytime angel. So where to?"
"Hmm there's not many places open at the moment. Maybe we should go to Waffle House?"
"Alright your wish is my command," she steps on the gas and goes 100 miles above the speed limit. "So what's been keeping you awake?" She asks while watching the road.
"Oh you know, the usual. Mortality, the end of the world and what that would entail for us, you, there should be a Waffle magazine."
"Woah what was that before waffle magazine? Why were you thinking about me?"
"It's nothing bad, I swear. I was just wondering if we're friends now and why did we wait centuries to become friends officially? Sure there are reasons we can dislike each other, but in the end I think we see stuff in each other that the other person doesn't see and it fascinates us. We are actually a good pair sometimes." We make eye contact and both of our faces redden.
"I guess you have a point. I think it took us this long because we avoided each other." We both laugh after she says that.
I think for a moment then ask, "what have you been thinking about?"
"Same as you I suppose. Mortality, my job position, you, maybe possibly consider asking to retire."
"What?! Lily you can't retire you're a demon. It's not just a job it's your entire existence. You can't retire what what you even think that would entail?"
"Becoming mortal. Ange, I know it's crazy but I've been thinking it through and I'm rather be mortal than a demon. 1 silly decision I made since the beginning of time shouldn't define who I am."
"How would you even achieve such a goal like that?"
"Maybe I could have a word with your boss and ask for forgiveness. Mine wouldn't allow it he's harsh, but yours is all about forgiveness so surely he'd agree, right?" She has so much hope in her eyes I don't want to ruin her dreams, so I just nod my head.
"Yeah. He'd agree. Good luck meeting with him though. I haven't even spoken to him before and I work for the guy."
"I'll get a meeting with him somehow eventually. Are you ready for some waffles?" She parks the car and I realize we've just arrived at the Waffle House.

We both order waffles. Mine has fruit, butter, and syrup all over it. Hers has chocolate chips, butter, and syrup on it. "Did you know there's a psychology trick that says what you order determines your personality?" I tell Lilith the trivia.
"Oh yeah? So what's my order say about me?"
"You can be sweet, even if you don't want to admit it so you cover it up with other traits, but deep down you really are just the tiniest bit sweet."
"Me? Sweet? I don't know about all that. I'm cruel and heartless."
"If you say so. What do you think my order reveals about me?"
"You're bubbly and fruity and happy. There's nothing really deep about it though, it's just a Waffle order. All I get from it is you like fruit, just like I like chocolate." She says with an eyeroll and smile.
"So? Just try to pretend that it has some deep meaning. It's better small talk than actual small talk."
"That's true. I can be credited for the creation of awkward small talk, remember?"
"Yeah. Maybe you really are evil and heartless if you made that," I say which makes us both laugh. She sits up and pretends to take pride in being called evil.
"That's right. There's no hope for me, just give up angel."
"I disagree Lily. I won't give up on you. I believe there's good in you, even if you don't believe me."
"Well in that case, I won't give up on showing you your evil side that I know is in there. You can be a little baddie if you just try." She smirks slyly. I'd never tell her, but she's hot when she smirks like that.
We spend the next 5 hours just talking about different topics from serious mortal issues, to silly hypothetical like land whales. We talk about everything above and below the sun. Eventually we decide to go back home so other people can have our seats.

~Lilith POV~
It's been a few months since Evangeline and I have been friends and it's been awesome. She's so nice and I feel like she makes me better. I've been reaching out to higher management just as long as we've been friends for and have yet to hear a response. That is, until today. I received a letter that's from God and it says that he's willing to meet me in the local park at 9 pm. The letter also says that I can't tell anybody, especially Evangeline. I figure I should follow every order on the letter to appear on his good side.

I arrive at the park in a beautiful black wavy dress perfectly on time, but I don't see anyone who matches his description. After 5 minutes I get up to leave, but stop when I hear, "Lilith the demon?" A mysterious voice says so I turn to find the source.
"Yes?" I ask a dark figure in front of me.
"You are being charged with high treason," the figure removes his cloak to reveal Benny the demon. Shit. I look around and find he has too much back up and I can't escape. I try to fight the army and for a while I seem to have a chance to win, but then they dogpile on top of me and I can't fight back. I would worry, but I see a bright white light coming towards me. "Get back you foul beasts!" A familiar voice exclaims. I feel the weight on top of me ease as the voice defeats them.
"Are you ok?" She holds out her hand so I look up to see Evangeline in a white sparkling gown looking as stunning as ever. I take her hand and she helps me up.
"I'm better now than you're here. How'd you know?" I ask.
"I had a gut feeling and decided to take a stroll in the park just to be sure."
"You are absolutely ravishing tonight," I tell her which makes her blush.
"Why thank you. You look pretty spectacular yourself." We stand there gazing into each other's eyes for a long moment that felt like happy eons. I put my hand on the side of her face and she leans into the touch. I was about to lean in, when I noticed a hellhound behind her.
"Duck!" I push her to the ground and punch the hellhound. He yelps then tries to bite me. I grab a nearby branch and whack the hound in the head. I make the dog trip by hitting its knees, then once it's down I attack.

~Evangeline POV~
Have I mentioned how hot Lilith is before? She's not only wearing a beautiful black lacey dress, but she just saved my life. Not only that, but she is battling a creature to ensure my safety and she's fighting with just a branch. See she can be good. Saving someone's life definitely qualifies as good enough to not be a demon anymore. Right when I think that, a white light is about to beam me up so in a panic I run to Lilith and grab her so we can get beamed up together.

"Angel what is this place?" Lilith asks me.
"Lily we're in heaven," I answer.
"Well I got that. Where excactly are we? The white cloud area? The gate? The throne room? Like where are we?"
"I... I don't know. I think we're about to find out though." A booming voice from the distance clears his throat and appears to just be a white light, but I know better. I kneel and drag Lilith to kneel as well.
"Evangeline? Why have you brought a demon traitor with you? You have your own traitor trial to deal with." The voice asks.
"Sir, please hear Lilith out. She has been trying to meet with you for a while please listen to what she has to say," I beg.
"Alright I'll listen, but I make no promises what my response will be," he says.
Lilith nervously clears her throat. "Hi God. I want to ask you if I can become mortal? Please. I'm not asking for complete forgiveness and become an angel again, I know I've made unforgivable mistakes. I just ask for the ability to have freedom like mortals and be mortal. Once my time comes I'll go wherever I'm destined to without any complaints, I promise."
"So you want to be mortal?"
"Yes sir."
"What's in it for me?"
"I guess nothing. There's one less demon that has to be beneficial to you, right?"
God laughs and it warms the atmosphere. "Lilith I'm kidding. Of course you can be mortal, and there's absolutely no catch. Make sure you treat Evangeline right though."
"I will sir. Thank you so much!" Lily hugs me and she tries to high five God.
"You're absolutely welcome." He chuckles. "Evangeline do you have a request?"
"Yes sir. Do you think I could also become mortal with Lilith? Please I can't imagine spending eternity without her."
"Of course you can be mortal! You will be missed, but go enjoy your mortality with Lilith. I think you both will have so much fun and be very happy."
"Thank you so much sir!" I bow to him
"You are most certainly welcome."

I wake up and hear someone singing a sweet melody and I decide to investigate. Lilith looks at me and continues singing along to a YouTube song, "There's someone as beautiful as she, who loves someone like me. Love always finds a way it's true. And I love you, Evangeline."
"Awww I love you too!" I grab her face and we finally kiss during the trumpet intermission of the song.