

Story of a Girl
As we successfully pranked our English teacher, we planned to prank our other teachers on April Fool's Day. Next up was our math teacher's turn. He was an exceptional teacher and guide who never let me fall behind in my studies, even when I struggled with math. He was a great teacher who motivated me to work harder. Although he would often hit me lightly on the head and scold me for talking too much in class, I knew it was all in good humor. In fact, my day felt incomplete if I didn't receive a scolding from him!

We knew he wouldn't get angry if we pranked him, so we went to him and said, "Sir, you're needed in the staff room for an urgent meeting." He went to the staff room, where our English teacher was already waiting, having fallen for the same prank earlier. Our math teacher laughed when we revealed the joke, and we said, "Sir, congratulations on being successfully fooled by your favorite student!" As we entered the staff room, our math teacher hit me lightly on the head and said, "Vatavata Girl, this was the reason you called me!" We all enjoyed the moment, and it remains an unforgettable memory for me and my teachers. The teachers had never met a student like me before, and I'm grateful to have had teachers like them who made learning so much fun