

"A Scary Door-knock"
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?" No there's no one out here"she said to herself in a low tone. When she stepped towards her bed. Someone knocked at her door. The time was around 1:17 am. She moved towards the door and suddenly once more someone knocked again. She was scared. She could feel sweat on her forehead and neck region . Her cheeks started burning . She said "Who's there?"
One more time the person knocked the door without giving answer about who he was. She again said "Who's this?"but this time a little bit louder. The person again knocked the door without answering who he was.
She ran towards kitchen and grabbed a knife without having an intention to kill anyone or the person at the door, but just because to make herself feel secure
Again the door knocked. She shouted "For the last time I am asking .Who are you?" but her voice was shaking .The door knocked again
This time she gathered up all her courage to open the door. She opened the door. When she opened the door there was a boy wearing a black mask and a black hoodie. His eyes were hardly visible. His forehead was covered by his hair . He was staring at her with a blood dripping knife in his hand
She got scared . She was sure that this is now her turn to get killed . The knife slipped from her hand as she started to shiver .The boy took a huge step towards her and there was hardly any space left between them. He dropped the knife and told her that you are safe now
I am your next door neighbor. I just saw from my house that a person with this knife in his hand was peeking through your window and was either to about break into your house or to kill you .But I knocked him off and now you are safe
She asked "What kind of blood in on this knife."
He replied "Unfortunately the knife hit a rat!"
She hugged him tightly and thanked him while screaming and crying . The boy somehow made her feel good and told her "Anytime you need me just tell me. I will be always there for you."
................The End...........

>> Well such kind of people should be honoured. 😊😉<<