

What We Have: Lost



"The myth...is it true?" I asked him.

"No...the myth is not true. How can you say that? Are you nervous?" He answered.

"No...I'm just...scared."


I HEARD from my lola about a myth of the scariest forest here in our place. It's about monsters taking all the children they could find. But, yeah, I'm not a child at all, so why would I be scared? I'm quite sure that it was just made for the children to be scared and learn their lessons from time to time. The fear can't embrace me whole. But...when my fiancee told me that he's going there with his colleagues to investigate there...I felt that something wrong is going to happen there. So I asked him that if I can come with them.

"Yes, you can, hon. It's just that...maybe it's danger enough for you so just stay here in our home."

"No, I want to be with you. Please?"

"Hahaha...alright, of course."

Then, the day came when all of us are already in the opening of the forest. I was so nervous and scared. There is something in my mind that tells me...don't go.

"Why are you here?"

I was shocked when an old man appeared infront of us with his eyes widen, fear is plastered on her face. I hid behind my fiancee.

"We're just here to investigate---"


"W-why? This is our job, y-you can't meddle with it, sir."

"N-no, you can't! You will all be lost! You all will!"

"No, we will not be lost. We will come back here whole and complete."

"N-no...listen to me...young lady!"

I was more scarier than I am now. The old man stared at me horribly. "Oh gosh...shit." I cursed and then I prayed to God that He may guide us along our journey.

As we went inside the forest, I looked back at the old man...for the last time...and I saw him crying, mouthing 'don't be lost...please."


"IF WE just hold hands together, we will not be lost, right?" My fiancee smiled at me like assuring me that everything will be alright. Then, he held both of my hands.


As we walked through the woods, a tree branch suddenly fell!


Everything became a blurt that I didn't know what happened actually. But the thing I knew was that we lost our path, we lost it already...are we really lost now?

"Let's just go back!" One of us shouted.

We all nodded our head in agreement. We must go back now. This feels so scary, very scary and dangerous. My eyes went to my hands still being held tight by him. I sweetly smiled at myself then I suddenly hugged my fiancee.

"We will not be lost because I'm holding your hand."

He nodded and kissed my forehead. "Yes, we will not be lost. We will come back good and alive."

We went back at the entrance of the forest. And I was full of joy of seeing light that passes through a dark forest. I know we will be okay. And the myth is not true! It's not true at all.

We are now outside of the forest. But everything seems...so different. What is happening?

I was back at the reality when my fiancee suddenly let go of my hands. I gasped as I watched every of our colleagues fell...and died! What is happening?!

"The myth is not true..."

I looked at him. My eyes widen when a smirked formed in his lips. Is he...oh God, what's happening?! Can somebody tell me what's going on now?!

"The myth is not true...because the forest don't have monsters lurking in the darkness and kidnapping children, they actually don't do that...

Because they are people who copy faces and memories, and then kidnapped people and children!

Hey, hon, do I really look like your fiancee?"

I slowly looked back at the forest, and then I saw the same old man that warned me. For some reason, I saw the crying and pleading eyes of him that were very alike with my fiancee's eyes. Who am I kidding? It's him. I left him because I was lost and I'm not sure if I can still find myself if I'm here...being in monster's arms.


I made a little thrilling (or maybe not thrilling at all) story that is the same with the subject...

"I broke up with him because I need to find myself."

Then after some years, she didn't came back because she chose another man and then regretted it at the same time.

P.S I just have read a lovestory like this.