

The Mysterious incident
In the state of Gujarat, there lived a teenager of age 17. His name was Brock. The name might
suggest English touch in it, but he was of Indian origin. His parents gave the name Brock because
they expected that when Brock will shift to foreign countries for job but their wish may stay as a
dream because Brock is not good in academics neither in games, he is only interested in playing
video games and fighting with others. He had many friends and few girlfriends, but he had best
friend who was completely different from Brock, his name was Ravi. Ravi used to come first in class
and was an extremely good footballer. Ravi was polite in nature and hated fighting. So, whenever
Brock use fight, Ravi was the only one to stop him. One night, Brock was having some bad dreams
about his own future, so he decided to talk with Ravi to get relief. It was about 10pm, when Ravi and
Brock were talking with each other via video call. They both decided to meet near the school field at
1pm. Both went to the destination without telling their parents. Brock saw that Ravi had already
arrived at the destination before him. Brock and Ravi started their conversation again by sitting on
the empty bench. Brock suddenly noticed that a man was observing them for last 10minutes. Brock
decided to return his home because if his parents come to know that he is out late night then his
father will surely trash him. He told Ravi,” Bro, I think we should go home” but Ravi replied, “Do not
worry about yourself, you will be alright tis night”. Brock did not understand the reply of Ravi and
said that he will stay if Ravi is with him. Brock was not feeling well but he continued to converse with
Ravi regarding the torture which he has face everyday by his parents. Suddenly, Brock noticed that
his Ravi’s father was approaching towards them, they both decided to run away, and they did so but
before leaving Ravi said, “we will always be friends and no one will be able to separate us”. Brock
ignored his statement and went home. The very next day, when Brock was going to school, he
decided to go with Ravi and so he went to Ravi’s house, but it was quiet enough. Brock shouted for
Ravi but instead of him, his mother came to Brock. Brock asked, “Where is Ravi?”. Ravi’s mother
replied,” He died yesterday in the evening because of cardiac arrest”. Brock was shocked by listening
to Ravi’s mother and suddenly, a phone started ringing. That is where the story should end with fear.