

This app
This app , man...became, a cosmic black hole for cringe because of some peoples . Seriously, it's overflowing with stuff so cheesy it could melt a lactose-intolerant alien.And some people I mean sure, I said "some people" to be nice,okay like -They've built their own cult where they high-five each other's "masterpieces" like they're Renaissance masterpieces, praising it like Shakespeare wrote it in his sleep.

But it gets weirder,They pat each other's backs over emoji "poetry"
And Words become obsolete, replaced by a secret emoji language that only the chosen cringe-lords can understand.
They've perfected the art of replacing words with smiley faces, because who needs grammar when you've got 🙌🤜🤛❤👏💃🧞‍😇🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😱😱😱😫😫😝😍😎. make sense 🙂

And Back in the day, people used to copy and paste other people's work, thinking they could pass it off as their own but At least that had a touch of human… well. Now, these folks are outsourcing their cringe to robots. get this: they're not just writing this stuff themselves (some) it's basically AI-generated word vomit.

It's like the real writers, the ones who actually have feelings and is with brains and feelings, can barely get a sniff ,while these cringe-bots are stealing all the attention. It's a total injustice, man! THAT'S NOT COOL We need to rise up against the tyranny of bad writing and reclaim the platform for actual creativity!

Remember, it's all about perspective and that's mine. We can choose to see this as a dystopian nightmare of bad writing, or as a hilarious circus where the clowns are the readers and the ringmaster is a rogue AI program. So, grab your popcorn, put on your emoji sunglasses, and enjoy the show.
and I repeat " it's all about perspective and that's mine" bec everyone has their own taste bud for words and web. It's like spicy food - some crave the fire, others stick to bland broccoli. Instead of judging the whole buffet, maybe we can focus on finding the delicious dishes .
the AI writers themselves, they're just tools after all. It's the content that gets churned out – the soulless, formulaic stuff that reads like a robot trying to write a haiku about laundry.

So, here's to real, raw writing that makes us feel something, that makes us say, 'Damn, that's good.' Even if it's messy, even if it's imperfect, write the stuff that makes the world feel a little less like a laundry haiku.

© Shi