

She was dressed in a beautiful red mid thigh dress. She was looking mesmerizing, beautiful, breathtaking. Words couldn't describe her beauty. She was glowing, but behind her glowness, there was sadness, which no one knew. Well.. She did an amazing job in hiding that with make up. Make up sure is an greatest invention in this mankind. It hid her sorrow so well. But her eyes couldn't do the same. It couldn't hide her sadness beneath that beauty. She was smiling like nothing is wrong, when one single thing wasn't right. But she had no choice..... she had no choice of having a choice.she was trapped . She tried to get out of that hell, she tried again and again. But she couldn't.she knew, she wasn't happy. But happiness wasn't a choice for her.

Looking herself for the third time in the mirror, with a bit of satisfaction... She opened the door to welcome a middle aged man who looked like he was in his late 30' s, awaiting for her. He hugged her and entered her room. Well... Seems like he doesn't like to waste time. He grabbed her and captured her lips and she gave in.... His kiss was screaming attention, egarness and lust. With a smile she accepted his kiss and all of him.. But she was feeling disgusting, angry and devastated... by his every touch. His touch, his kiss and his eyes were screaming lust...and she accepted all of it without complaining. Because she knew she had no choice....A choice of running away and a choice of taking a choice. Just like that.... they spent a night together ravishing each other's bodies. Next morning...... he left. He left without looking at her, he left without saying goodbye. He knewhe would come back,well...everyone did.

It was time for her to wake up, it was time for her to make herself beautiful and happy with make up.... again. It was time for to come back to hell again, it was time for her.. to open a door for a new man... awaiting for her, awaiting for her beauty, awaiting for her to make him forget his sadness and engrave in her touch. Well...she couldn't complain. Because it was her job. She was trapped... forever!