

Do you guys think about why people write their thoughts?
If anyone ask you this question what will you answer?

I'm myself thinking about my answer to this question.

If I have to answer to this question, it may become a bit long. Actually by writing I can express myself more. My thoughts are my writings. Both are directly proportional to each other in every circumstances. Sometimes they work as therapy, when my mind is clouded with thoughts, writing helps me to clear my mind. When I'm happy, my urge to write will be at its peak. I'm flooded with thoughts and contents. I will be over flowing with metaphors and new stories. When I'm sad, I will be more poetic and my words will be so deep. My writings expresses my moods, my thoughts and my mind.I feel happy and overwhelmed while writing.

This will be my short answer for this question.

© RosaJebi