

ILLUSION. part two
The next day at the cafeteria he again came,but this time with numerous Bible verses,then he said one that touched me immensely. 2nd Timothy 1:7; "for I know the plans I have for you" ,declares the lord," plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future."
I asked him what kind of future can be built from all my miseries,they break me down instead. He disagreed and went on saying; " some situations are to strengthen you because that great position the lord has created for you, needs you to have experience and deeper understanding of certain things". I pondered on that and it was dumbfounding that i found sense in his words.
As days went on,I started praying and reading the Bible more often and it was definitely beneficial to me and my siblings.I never went to bed crying anymore. Our lives changed and opportunities came knocking at our doors everyday. I was now I medical school,my dream. I was being sponsored, and with money I raised from my job,I tought my siblings with no difficulties.
I socialize well and have friends and people I actually trust. Wow what an amazing gift it is to be God's child🙏. Hallelujah 🙇🏻‍♀

We all pass through trials and obstacles,some more than others. It is hard yes, but if we put all trust in God and his process,we will handle tragedies better than we thought. Sometimes its a lesson being taught, or a test from God to see if we are up for the challenges that await us when we are finally at that top. You might never know what inspiration you might be to others and before you quit, remember your creator is a warrior and so are you. Always seek the positive in all negatives.

1st Corinthians 9:24."let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a havest if we do not give up.

Hope you got something from this story🙏. Stay blessed and stay safe💪🏼♥

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