

Stand by your beliefs
My uncle is a hard man. How do I put this... not vary nice he is the kind of guy that would tell a homeless guy to fuck off before even giving up a dime. I was raised by my grandma and was raised calling him a brother. He did all the things brothers would do but at some point he physically hert me. I grew to be intimidated by him. Now that you know this hopefully you might understand, why for a brief moment I almost went against my beliefs.
He drove me to our local, small town gas station one day. It wasn't vary busy that day. We got out of the car and immediately a traveler asked if we could spare a few bucks for him to get some food. We get travelers like this fairly often. My uncle gave him a glare and when he approach me ,a 16 year old at the time, he gave me a glare that clearly stated I better not or els. I told the man sorry and continued walking. However, my uncle walked into the store, and I quickly turned around pulled out my cash and gave him half and said " here sir, I hope it helps" and quickly ran into the store before my uncle noticed I wasn't there. I saw the man come into the store buy some water and the best snack a gas station has to offer.
The feeling my heart felt made it impossible to walk away from someone in need. Nun the less because of my own fear of my uncle. It angered me that I would let him dissuade me from my ways. That day I gained my courage back and he no longer held power over me. True story.