

Death Sentence; Rape!


Dear Reader,

#Rape is the quickest death, the living dies even while full of life.

Those who have either passively or actively taste of this fruit as #Victims die a million and one times before their actual death.

Talk of the stain, the truma, pain, and unhealthy body language the society cast towards them or their loved ones which contributes to social, emotional, psychological, and physical #imprisonment of their souls.

Kai! Kai! Kai! It takes only #ChristJesus to redeem such person or that family from such #venom through His already shed blood on Calvary's tree ( the true source of new beginning for all especially humanity).

While those who spread this gospel of hate and wickedness either directly or indirectly as #Victors in the battle of Rape. They continue to do so with the highest frame of joy and belonging as a matter of stupidity they declare how they intend to expand their scope by getting more people into becomeing Victims so they can remain Victors in the Rape hall of fame.

About 10years ago I had enter into a conversation with my eldest brother (Mr. De BCH) so He was asked by a student: ' What does it mean to end like Sodom and Gomorrah?'

My bro. was teaching a group of students preparing for JAMB & PUME ( these are the gate ways to higher institutions in Nigeria) and the student who asked this question was a Muslim.

So! My brother made an elaborate explaination both on Facebook and verbally according to the Holy Bible ( Gen. 18 & 19).

The reason for this question was due to a #RapeFestival that took place somewhere in #India. This news blew hurt over the internet especially Facebook.

The story of a girl who was Raped by more than five men during the Rape festival previously was till hospitalized when a new festival was on board yet if she fails to take part then it was either a suicide mission or murder mission for her, depending on her choice.

This news brought about mixed feels and reactions from different sides and religious views. It was at this point a person's comment carried ' they will soon end up like Sodom and Gomorrah'.

A few deeper steps into the story recounts that in this festival:

* Everyone must take part or die.

* Whoever gets to a place tagged 'Redemption Camp' won't be touched. (The raped victim was only about five to ten steps from the camp when she was ambushed.)

* Preparation activities were permitted. The story spoke about a 14year old year old boy who had #deflower his 16years old biological sister and about three of her friends as preparation for the festival.

*Hall of Fame for the winner of the contest along with gift prize. When that 14years old boy was asked how prepared he was. He said:' I am fully preparing to win this year prize and I have raped my sister and three of her friends.'😫😫😫

As the story was concluded; the question of how this started was a vital part of the story which was uncovered.

It was told that years ago, a stranger came into this village, who was able to influence the attitude and believe of people of this village because he was some how influential ( I think financial wise) yet within the Ember months. He would Deflower young virgins especially females and would buy his way through because of his influence.

Soon, he began a contest were he rewards the person who Raped more during that period of the contest and as at 2012-2013 it has become a festival.

Inclusion, Victors are so harden as a result of what they are enslaved unto I mean the faces behind the mask (direct sponsor) or behind the masquerade ( unknown sponsor).

The easiest way to break Mankind is by taking away her possion without her permission so is Rape which is the act of taken mankind's glory without her permission.

Yours Writer
Napoleon Jesus Nigerian

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