

Decayed Blooms
Decaying blooms and deceitful guise.
Love's domain now a vacant space,
Where once it thrived, now a desolate place. Admired ones now scorned and shamed,
The world's transformation, who could have framed?
Unbridled lusts and insatiable desires,
Joy and love relegated to distant fires.
Homes and castles, once abodes of grace,
Now twisted into dens of disgrace.
Warmth turned cold, damned and forlorn,
As ancient prophecies whispered, then were born. Solomon's lament, "Vanity, it's all in vain,"
In a world where folly reigns under skies profane. What awaits us, you and I, in this glow?
At the end of this path, where do we go?
What drives us, what's our purpose clear?
Songs and verses, I've penned sincere,
In your honor, where does my honor lay?
While in another's arms, you choose to stray. Where are your morals, once unmatched and true?
In this emotive inquiry, I seek to construe.

© engleberttbruce