

Power of Youth
Back in 1998, I was younger. My parents have forever told me, even tho u h you are only fourteen years old, you should be able to make a difference.
Yes, but I don't ever seen it happen before. Only boredom gets me bored always. I hate boredom, I don't have any games or stuff to play. This is what gets disturbing.
But one day, I found a family. A poor starving one. They looked very hungry. This was on a trip to Sudan.
But when I got home, I learned that Sudan is a very poor country in terms of GDP per capita. Many people don't have enough money. And I felt bad for them.
So, I decided to help them. Humanitarian aid! This is very helpful, and it made the Sudanese family feel good. But when they found out I was only 14, they were baffled.
This was what I learned--just because you are young, doesn't mean you can't make a difference. Think about how many young people have made a difference. Now, this is what you can do! Teen and Tween activists thrive on Social Media, or protest in person. You can be one of them. You will find the results rewarding.
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