

Where Witches Burn "Excerpt"
He gazed at her with a burning intensity of passion that made her feel like she could easily fall into those dark hazel eyes and get lost, maybe forever. For the first time in a long time she felt that familiar tingle on her skin. The kind of tingle that transforms into an electricity and eventually a lightning bolt. It had been such a long time since that lightning had struck her in any place, let alone the right place. It was way past time for a lightning storm , she mused to herself.

Oh how long it had been since her hands had felt the rippling muscles of a man's chest. Felt the security and safety of strong loving arms. She was 5"6" , toned and tight with a face that could make any man melt. At 36 she felt exceptional and empowered, in control of her life and her destiny. Her dark auburn mane with platinum highlights flowed gracefully down her back like a waterfall ending at her rock hard buttocks. So desirable and in control yet deep down she longed to find someone who could make her feel our of control, stoke her feelings of desire. She knew from hard won experience that it was extremely difficult to find the whole package. You either got the beauty or the beast and rarer yet was a man who had the beauty of a chisled face and body, the beast of confidence and strength but also the magical third element of intelligence, compassion, mystery.

It was a man like that she needed, wanted, craved. She had always had a very healthy libido, and used it frequently and with great skill.
© Dick Strong

#magic #lust #desire
