

Haunted Soul

A long time friend, and her ten year old son came to stay with me for awhile. Her young one was ill, and in the past I helped her care for him. With my grandmother's home remedies which often worked within a few days. The child was better, but this time the ailment that took over wasn't physical. I advised my friend to seek professional help for him.
  As I walked towards the door, I stopped before opening it. I closed my eyes, and cleared my head of all thoughts before going outside.
  The day was gloomy with a light rain.
  I proceeded to walk them to their car that was parked out on the street. The walkway seemed unusually long for some reason.
  As we got closer to her vehicle, I noticed the beautiful black dog sitting across the street.
  Strange that it's fur was dry.
I wished them well, and waved goodbye as she drove away.
  I turned, and headed back towards my place.
In my peripheral vision, I saw that the black dog walked along side me.
  No words were spoken out loud, but it's thoughts were coming in quite clear.
It said,
   " It's been awhile since we've talked."
Without facing it
I replied,
  " I've been busy tending to a friend."
(Pointing my finger to my head)
I added,
" The child needs more help than I can give him."
It replied,
  " Indeed, quite a jumble of a mess going on up there."
  I avoided eye contact, because I knew it would see right through me.
I simply nodded in agreement.
  Then it said,
" You're not wearing the usual dark shades you love so much."
I stopped suddenly, still facing forward, and said,
  " Meet me in the back so I can get you something to eat."
  I didn't wait for a response, and continued up the walkway.
  I was a few steps away from my door, and I felt it watching me. Today I did something I had never done before. I turned my head to see if it was still there.
  Eye contact at once, and I could feel it seeing right through my very soul. It saw everything I had been up to. All the praying, all the talks, my confessions, and my faith that was growing.
  It's face became distorted, it began to move at a fast pace towards me. I turned to go inside, and as I shut the door behind me, there was a loud bang against it.
The sound of heavy breathing was what I heard. I closed my eyes, and began to pray.
What I heard next was the sound of something gagging.
Then it was quiet....
  After a few moments had passed,
it said,
  " Enjoy your faith right now. The blessings you call rugs will again be pulled from under you.
Until then, I will be waiting."

   I could hear my heart rapidly beating. It was what had awaken me from my disturbing dream.

I write my dreams in my journals.
Since November, 2016
I had to decipher this dream and my conclusion was.....
My lack of faith is what haunts me.

       Written by
   Sarah M Gutierrez


© #SMG521