

Lock of a Heart ❤ \Chap: 4//
I stared at my phone looking at Col's number and my face turned bright red, I layed my head on my table and i almost cried. "This all happened in one day.." I muttered to myself. "What do you mean..?" someone said as they walked in the door. "Mom?.." i asked. "Yeah... I just got back from my work trip.." My mom said. My mom goes on work trips every week now to get more money ever since my dad passed away.. "Well okay.. here ill get your bed ready you need some rest." I said. "Ill sleep on the couch, if thats alright?" She said. "Yeah.. okay, also I have a new friend.. we are going to hang out on Saturday.." I said with my hands behind my back. "Uh..sure.. is it a boy..?" she asked. Oh my gosh.. did she.. what do i say.. "uh.. yeah his name is Col.." I said.. What is wrong with me.. well if i lied he migjt pick me up and then my mom will think i lied.. "Hehe is he going on a date with you..?" she said laughingly. "NO MOM HE'S A FRIEND!" I screamed. How could she say that.. "Ok you know tomorrow is Saturday, right?" my mom said. WHAT! I. havent picked my outfit yet, i'm so stupid ugh! "Oh really!" I said. I have to go get my outfit ready.. eh ill do it tomorrow.. ;-; I'm to tired anyway.. "Well you go get some rest." Mom said. "Ok.. I guess." I walked towards my room thinking how much i will embarrass myself in front of him. I went into my room and sat on my bed, I looked up to the wall and started to tear up.. "What if he finds out about my past, what if he doesnt like me for who i am, what if he wants to go to this place to humiliate me.." Should I text him.. I picked up my phone and looked at his number.. "I should change his name." I changed his name and then i was about to text him but then.. "RI___NG" Someone was calling me.. It was Col! Should I answer? I anwered his call. What do i say?! "Uh hello? I said. What does he want i'm freaking out!