

The love that waits.
Life gives us challenges, tests and answers if you know where to look.
Waking up to start the day, I do my morning routine, hitting my alarm so it would go quiet, talking a big breath and sitting up on my bed. I walk to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. While I wait for the water to boil I go to the bathroom to wash my face and stare at myself in the mirror thinking of everything I got to do for the day, as I'm startled by the whistle of the kettle. I make my morning coffee and I sit on a chair on the balcony of my apartment. Skipping forward a bit I've just put on my shoes to do my thing. I'm a very organised person so I'm always on time where I'm supposed to be, but today was a bit different. Walking to the public library to study. On my way in, the music blasting in my ears, I accidentally bump into this girl stopping in my tracks, beautiful girl, brown hair tied into a pony tail, amazing green eyes and make up just enough to cover the bad spots on her face. I couldn't stop staring, until she asked me to help her pick up her books, to which I come back to reality, saying sorry a bunch of times. Afterwards we both look at each other, say goodbye as we both take our original paths, to where I stop half way through the door and turn back after her. I come to a stop, so does she, staring at each other I mumble the words, "your really pretty, can we hang out sometime", she smiles and says "sure, meet me here tomorrow morning", I smile and nod my head as I go back to the library. As the day goes on I notice shes was at every place I went to that day. I question myself if, because I bumped into her I see her more now, I shake my head and go back home. Walking up the stairs to my apartment, stoping at my floor, I see her trying to open the door across my door, as she looks up in my direction, to which I spook and hide around the corner hoping she didn't see me, closing my eyes as I hope for it. I hear her voice right next to me asking "so... you live here too", I open one eye, seeing her looking right at me. I answer her saying "yeah ... just across you" to which she replied "Oh cool, whats your name by the way", taking a gulp as i try to asnwer, "Jake, the names Jake and you are?", she answers with a sweet tone of voice, "Lucy". I smile as I look straight at her, to which she invites me to drink something at her place, as I answer with a small nod. Passing by time, we're drinking coffee as we watch the sunset gazing through her glass door that leads to the balcony. We talk for hours, but then it ends when her roomate entered interupting us mid conversation. We both greet her roommate entering as Lucy leads me to the door to say goodbye. We greet with a small wave and the words of, "see you tomorrow". Later that night I couldn't sleep, because I knew that I'm falling in love. The night fades as I think about her, and I fall asleep. Next day I did my morning routine, this time walking out the door at the same time as her, we both greet each other and decided to walk together to the library, time passes and we hung out everyday, each one being a happier moment. Weeks, even months pass by and one day I do my morning routine, and await her outside my door, but no one's there, so i wait a few minutes to see if she mabey over slept, but nothing. So I started this day off a bit sad, but i kept going. A few weeks go by and i haven't seen her once, until one day when I went back home I stumble apon a letter slid under my door laying in the middle of the floor. I pick it up and I see its a letter from her roommate, i sit at my dinning room table confused. I open up the letter to which it was written but Lucy, and this is what it said,
"Hey Jake, It's Lucy, I wanna say thank you for spending all this time with me, it was fun, but sadly it wasn't enough. Now I don't wanna sound like you were the problem, you weren't, you actually helped with the problem, but the problem was worse. Sadly If your reading this I am no longer with you in this world, your a great person, and I knew you were in love with me from the day we met, because I was too. I love you Jake, and I know you love me too, Goodbye Jake" ending the letter with a heart and a picture of us together having fun. Skip to a few years later I haven't moved on, I still love her, and I believe their might be a world where we could be together. So I'll wait till I can love her the way she deserves to be loved.

© Jakesartfandom