

Eternal Dream
The smiling animal soul arrived in the neighborhood in a vehicle. The owner looked at her proudly; No more, it was an object that resembled a monetary value.

As time passed, the love given to the pet disappeared, leaving it abandoned in the neighborhood.

Feeding on garbage, she contained the hope of finding love. And so it was: a family was infatuated by such a formidable pet.

"More" (as they called to the mascot) enjoyed the affection that the family offered. Every time they came home, "More" smiled with her small eyes. She was happy. In peace.

However, her happiness was short-lived. The animal fell ill with a serious condition for which there was no cure.

While the family cared for her, her innocent spirit perished. But his soul found peace in the fact that she felt just like at home. Loved. She was happy.

The end of her journey was approaching and "More" felt satisfied to feel loved.

Listening to a pleasant melody in the veterinary doctor's room, she felt a prick. The worried looks towards her. Tears ran down people's faces. But she was at peace. Yes, she was. Suddenly, she began to feel a numbing sensation that mixed with the melody. The room stopped being a room, passing into a beautiful meadow with a bright blue sky. She looked for the family that she loved so much. They were there, smiling at her and "More" jumped towards them, in the beggining of a beautiful eternal dream...

A beautiful eternal dream which will always live in the heart of the family that "More" loved so much.

© whodoesntlovespring