

Echoes of the Damned - Part II of II
Title: Echoes of the Damned written by Swagtastic and Chelse J

"Malachi Shadowthorn?" Ethan interrupts. Alice's instincts kick in, knowing Ethan wouldn't know something like that. "Olivia? Step away from Ethan. That's not Ethan."

"Well done," its voice instills the same despair as before. Olivia, unsettled, starts questioning her theory of recognition as her determination begins to waver when her ability to identify questions her obdurate knowledge of the unknown.

There was always an alluring presence that profane captivation upon Malachi, whose aroma alone rivaled the greatest souls he had devoured in the past. Intoxicated by the faint and elegant fragrance emanating from Alice, who promulgates his instinct, which extends beyond his own imagination, being able to see through his illusions. "What have you done to Ethan?!" Alice and Olivia exclaim in unison. He chuckles, "Unto you, I commend an empirical demonstration of my power. Ethan has been gone since the moment he slipped into my encumenopolis." His laughs echo just like Ethan's but slowly shift back to his own, leaving the realization that Ethan's presence has been absent ever since they were separated from him.

In the midst of the surreal and foreboding scene, Alice and Olivia confront the enigmatic being claiming to be Malachi Shadowthorn, a powerful demon. The air is heavy with tension as the truth slowly unravels before them.
Alice, driven by her instincts, senses that something is amiss with Ethan. Filled with concern and determination, she urges Olivia to step away from him, her voice laced with both worry and resolve. Olivia, initially steadfast in her beliefs, begins to question her own certainty as doubt starts to creep in, challenging her understanding of the unknown.
Malachi, a captivating yet malevolent presence, is intrigued by Alice's presence and the subtle fragrance she emits. He realizes that Alice possesses a unique insight that allows her to see through his illusions, a talent that surpasses his own cunning.
Together, Alice and Olivia demand answers, their voices united in their concern for Ethan's well-being. In response, Malachi chuckles, relishing the opportunity to display his power. He reveals the unsettling truth that Ethan had been taken from them the moment he fell through the floor's opening. Ethan has been trapped and unconscious all this time, unbeknownst to the girls.
As the echoes of Malachi's laughter fade, the weight of reality descends upon Alice and Olivia. They grapple with the profound realization that Ethan has been absent all along, held captive by a formidable and malevolent demon. The gravity of the situation deepens, leaving Alice and Olivia to confront the unsettling knowledge that their friend is in the clutches of a powerful adversary.

With the revelation that Ethan has been trapped by the powerful demon Malachi Shadowthorn, Alice and Olivia feel a surge of determination mixed with a creeping sense of fear. They exchange a solemn glance, silently affirming their commitment to rescuing their friend from the clutches of darkness.
Malachi, reveling in their anguish, taunts the two friends, his voice dripping with malevolence. He offers them a twisted bargain, tempting them with the promise of Ethan's release in exchange for their own souls. But Alice and Olivia stand firm, their love for Ethan and their unbreakable bond shielding them from the allure of such a deal.
Driven by their unwavering friendship, Alice and Olivia begin to strategize. They recognize that facing a powerful demon like Malachi requires more than just their determination; it calls for cunning and resourcefulness. They search their surroundings for any advantage, seeking a way to weaken Malachi's hold and save Ethan.

Gabriel Cross traverses through the halls, unfazed by any structural deformity or wall-bending animosities. He entrusts his faith in God and his holy book, which rests upon his forearm, to combat this demonic intelligence. The hallways spiral into the distance, blackening the deeper he peers, but he proceeds forward. Though the ominous presence remains, the shadow flees upon his approach, leaving amorphously distorted panes in his wake. He then comes across a room—non-extraordinary, but with a distinct weirdness oozing a warm breeze from its crevice. A voice from an atomic breath vibrates in a low frequency. Lightning provides the only source of light, offering momentary glimpses of the doorframe. On the other end, Ethan lies motionless.

The curious gaze of Olivia surveys the room, trying to catch a glimpse of hope in the now concentric hypercube room, blurring in a concave manner like a complex Chinese puzzle box. "Do you have anything in mind, Olivia?" Alice asks while keeping her sights on Malachi. "Yes, but we're gonna need some time." "How much time?" "Enough time to read these ceremonial inscriptions written on the walls." The scriptures spiral around in sporadic patches, leaving Olivia to guess them in the correct order. Malachi notices her deduction skills and soon begins mumbling iconoclastic incantations. He appears before the circle and within its triangle, manifesting whatever shadowy obscurity Olivia's heart condemned and takes the shape of a deformed humanoid rat. Twitching immensely with lust and devouring, devoid of corporeal comprehension, it exhausts her mental strength due to the extended visual exertion while lacking any meaningful color, existing within the shadow of its own black mist. Olivia, tongue-tied to the ancient astronomic deformity, leaves Malachi to pounce upon her. That is until Alice tackles him to the side, attempting to hold him down to little effect. "OLIVIA!" Alice yells. "TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" But Olivia's voice echoes throughout the eternal raging fires and fraternal realms of ice, where sound seems never present.

Alice gets thrown aside, knocking down candles and lanterns, setting the room ablaze. Alice lies next to a basin compiled in black sand. She gets an idea, takes a handful, and runs towards the demon who has cornered Olivia at the edge of the room. "HEY!" Alice yells. He turns to get a face full of sand. "GAAAHHHHH, YOU BITCH!" "Olivia, Olivia. Tell me what you see," Alice pleads. Olivia points to the odd wording, stumbling to pronounce a full sentence. Alice recites verbatim. Olivia cuts in, "be-be-better." Alice says it again. "Better…has…has to be better." Olivia repeats, gaining her composure. "It has to be obedient unto you. It has to be better." The demon finally clears his sight, rage filling his heart as he frantically bundles back to his feet and charges meanderingly. Alice, filled with some sort of unconditional translucency, sings the words in brazen concordance of gay harmony. It is so resounding that the shutter congregates a quandary preeminence. It feels prehensile, then the fire blows out, except for one soft flame. Alice surveys the area to see Olivia prostrated in fear more than what she had seen moments before. The apparition is nowhere to be seen, except for its atmospheric pressure. Alice, relieved yet confused, walks towards Olivia. "I think we're okay. I think we did it," but to Alice's surprise, Olivia crawls uncomfortably away. Olivia is transfixed. Upon realizing the lines she recited moments before had instilled a fear unlike anything she had ever heard. "You…it was you," Olivia mumbles. "The chorus…tha-that hymn. It was you." She then notices that the message, or rather the black magic incantation, is the same orchestral chorus that attracted and enamored Olivia, Ethan, and Alice to the hell house they now occupy.

Alice's heart sank as she watched Olivia crawl away, her voice trembling with fear and accusation. The weight of the revelation settled heavily upon Alice's shoulders. She had unknowingly recited the very words that had lured them into this nightmarish realm. The realization left her feeling both guilty and responsible for their current predicament.
Tears welled up in Alice's eyes as she reached out to Olivia, her voice filled with remorse. "Olivia, I had no idea. I didn't mean to bring us here. Please, you have to believe me."
Olivia's eyes were filled with a mix of terror and disbelief. She struggled to find her voice, her body still trembling from the encounter with the demonic manifestation. "How could you not know?" she whispered, her voice choked with fear. "We trusted you, Alice. We trusted you, and now...now we're trapped."
Alice's mind raced, desperately searching for a way to make amends and alleviate the terror that had consumed her friend. She glanced around the room, the faint flame flickering in the darkness, casting eerie shadows on the charred walls. There had to be a way to undo the damage she had unknowingly caused.
Taking a deep breath, Alice gathered her thoughts and approached Olivia cautiously. She spoke softly, her words filled with sincerity. "Olivia, I promise you, I will find a way to set things right. We can't change what has happened, but we can find a way to overcome this. Together."
Olivia's gaze met Alice's, her eyes searching for a glimmer of hope. Slowly, she nodded, a flicker of trust rekindling within her. "Okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "But we need to be careful. We can't afford any more mistakes."
Determined to find a solution, Alice turned her attention back to the room. The black sand in the basin caught her eye once again. A realization dawned upon her. "Olivia," she said, her voice filled with a newfound determination, "this black sand...it's connected to the incantation. Maybe, just maybe, it holds the key to reversing the dark magic."
Olivia's expression shifted from fear to curiosity as she watched Alice scoop up a handful of the black sand. Alice studied it intently, searching for any clue or sign of its power. She then noticed faint symbols etched into the sand's surface, almost imperceptible to the naked eye.
Gently, Alice placed the sand back into the basin, careful not to disturb the intricate symbols. "We need to decipher these symbols," she said, her voice tinged with excitement. "If we can understand their meaning, we might be able to find a way to break free from this curse."

Olivia's trust in Alice began to rekindle as she saw her friend's determination and newfound hope.

The morning sun appears through a slit opening in the clouds, as if exuding the capability of thought. There weren't many days like this, where the waning pressure disperses deeper into corridors, corresponding to each open doorway. Some events had transpired before Father Gabriel Cross. Unbeknownst to the shadow that had crept upon those who came before, it lay dormant deeper into this ebony abyss. Father Gabriel carries Ethan down the foyer and back outside. His heart faintly beats despite the unholy corruption tolling his soul, attempting to devour his life force. The villagers gather around, and Gabriel places his hand on Ethan's chest, sanctifying his vessel as his own, blessed by the one who delivers him from evil. They indulge in ceremonial prayer, and with an increasing echo perspiring in the thought of chime, a blissful light pulls Ethan to his senses, and he coughs a blotch of black ink. "Easy now, son," Father Gabriel warmly greets. "You're safe now." What surprises Gabriel is Ethan's first words once awakening from his perpetual sleep. "Alice... and..." He stops for a breath. "Alice and Olivia, they're still in there." He tries to get up, but the villagers stop him. "Let me go, I need to save them," he demands. "There is a heap of trouble."

"I'll go," Gabriel claims. "You might not know it, but there's a force you know not how to combat." "Please, let me go with you." Before rejecting his offer, a thought occurs. "Release him." The villagers obey, and they let him go. "I'll allow you to come, but you must stay by my side no matter the circumstances. Do you understand?" "Yessir." "Good, stay close to me and take this." He takes out a spare cross and gently places it around Ethan's neck. Ethan reminds him of himself at that age, so he decides to use this opportunity as a lesson for him. They both head back into the now uneasy structure that feels weakened, as if the source is losing its grip.

Alice and Olivia walk down shafts of sullen silence, and as odd as the cessation appears, there is room for thought. "What did those meanings on the walls mean?" Alice asks Olivia. Olivia bites her thumb, trying to ascertain the meaning. "I believe they were to summon demons such as Malachi, but that chant wasn't to get rid of him, it was to summon him." "I had a feeling there was more to this than just that." Olivia lets out a slight chuckle. "Yes, I agree. But those words came from a book, ancient text if you will, and considering it's written in blood, the book may not be too far off. If we destroy the book, we will rid Malachi altogether. I do feel that Malachi has a strange connection with this property, like he's only present due to the fact that his essence is here." Alice nods in understanding just as an increasing morbid feeling begins reigniting from deeper within the corridor. They do not falter, and their determination sways their feet without a second thought. They approach a door of low quality, a child's door painted pink with flowers and stickers. Upon opening it, a book stiffens in view atop a plinth. "That's it, Alice. Let's go." Alice holds her back. "Hold on a second, Olivia." Alice focuses deep, deeper, and deeper. Each breath sharpens their senses, and the darkness that covers every inch reveals a brisk sight, leaving nothing hidden. "What was that?" Olivia asks. Alice smiles. "Hope. Now let's get that book."

Alice and Olivia cautiously approached the plinth where the ancient book rested. The air around them grew heavy with anticipation as they knew that their final confrontation with the demonic presence was imminent.
Alice reached out and grabbed the book, feeling its weight in her hands. The cover was adorned with ominous symbols, seemingly pulsating with dark energy. Olivia stood by her side, ready to support her in whatever came next.

With unwavering determination, Alice opened the book, revealing pages filled with cryptic writings and forbidden knowledge. She scanned through the text, searching for any clues or instructions that could help them banish the demon once and for all.
As Alice read aloud the passages that seemed relevant, Olivia's eyes widened in realization. "Wait," she exclaimed, "these words... they're not just instructions for summoning. They're also the key to banishing. We can use the same power that brought the demon here to send it back."
Alice nodded, her grip on the book tightening. She felt a surge of newfound confidence coursing through her veins. Together, they began reciting the incantation, their voices merging in harmony as they channeled their collective willpower into the words.

As the incantation reached its crescendo, the room trembled, and the demonic presence grew more agitated. Shadows writhed and twisted, lashing out in a desperate attempt to hold onto their newfound existence. But Alice and Olivia stood firm, their resolve unshakeable.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the room, resonating with a divine power. It was Father Gabriel, his eyes ablaze with unwavering faith. He stepped forward, clutching a crucifix tightly in his hands, and began reciting a powerful prayer.
His words carried a profound authority, piercing through the chaos and confronting the demon head-on. The demon recoiled, its vile form writhing in pain as Father Gabriel's prayers washed over it like a cleansing fire.
Ethan, inspired by Father Gabriel's bravery, joined in with a prayer of his own. His voice, though filled with trepidation, held a deep determination. He called upon his own inner strength and faith, intertwining it with Father Gabriel's prayer, creating a shield of spiritual energy that enveloped Alice and Olivia.

Together, their combined prayers and unwavering belief formed a formidable barrier against the demonic forces. The room pulsed with energy as the demon's power waned, its grip on the mortal realm weakening with each passing moment.
With a blinding flash of light, the demon shrieked in agony as its form started to dissipate. Its monstrous figure contorted and twisted, slowly being pulled back into the depths from which it had emerged.
The room fell silent, and the darkness that had plagued their surroundings retreated, revealing an eerie calmness. Alice and Olivia exchanged glances, relief and triumph shining in their eyes.
But their victory was not without consequences. The exertion of their powers had taken a toll on both of them. They felt drained, physically and emotionally, as if they had fought a battle that had lasted a lifetime.

As they made their way back through the corridors, they could sense a profound change in the atmosphere. The halls, once filled with malevolence and despair, now emanated a sense of peace and tranquility.
Outside, Father Gabriel and Ethan were waiting anxiously, their faces etched with concern. When they saw Alice and Olivia emerging from the darkness, their expressions turned into a mixture of relief and joy.
"You did it," Father Gabriel said, his voice filled with awe. "You banished the demon."
Alice nodded, a bittersweet smile on her face. "Yes, but it came at a cost. We're both exhausted, but we're safe now."
Ethan rushed forward, embracing Olivia tightly. "I was so worried," he whispered. "I'm glad you're okay."
Olivia hugged him back, tears of relief streaming down her face. "We're all okay now," she said, glancing at Alice. "We did it together."

In the aftermath of their harrowing encounter, the group gathered outside the hellish house, watching as the sun began to rise in the distance. It brought with it a renewed sense of hope and a promise of a new beginning.
As they walked away from the cursed dwelling, Alice, Olivia, Ethan, and Father Gabriel knew that their lives had been forever changed. They had faced unimaginable horrors and emerged stronger, bonded by their shared experience.
Though scars remained, they carried with them the knowledge that they had the power to conquer darkness and overcome the most daunting challenges. And as they ventured into the dawn of a new day, they were filled with a profound sense of gratitude and resilience, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The End.