

Who says it is a boring task for teachers to check children's copies? If you do not fill your heart after seeing so much creativity, say it Here are some classic answers to some simple questions: -

Question # 1 What did Jesus pray in his last clocks?
Answer - Jesus prayed that all my watches should be distributed among my disciples and the clocks of my choice should be buried with me!
(What kind of time has this God come)

Question # 2 Which family does the rose flower belong to?
Answer - In the family garden of which the rose flower comes in their family.
(What roses grow in your family, brother)

Question # 3 What are the five differences between animals and plants?
Answer - (Drawing the line in the middle)
- Plants are green, while animals are colorful!
- Blood flows from top to bottom in plants, blood flows from bottom to top in animals!
- Plants don't grow, animals do! (Huan hua means his voice. Maybe the wolves around the village of the examinee should hear it)
- Plants are not fickle, animals are fickle!
- Had missed the fifth but ... forgot!
(See the store of unfathomable knowledge of child's zoology and botany)

Question # 4 What is Kargil problem?
Answer - Kargil gets very cold. Soldiers have to live in tents and have to take lota outside for defecation. Everything freezes due to the cold and the soldiers have a big problem.
(If a military brother is studying, he will give shingles to the child)

Question # 5 Write an essay on the Second War of Panipat?
Answer: The second war of Panipat took place between Akbar and Hemu. Akbar had a sword and Hemu had a dagger. Akbar waved the sword, Hemu swung the dagger! When the two collided, Khanna's voice came. The ground of Panipat resonated with the sounds of Khan Khana Khan Khan Khan ... Sometimes Akbar ahead and Hemu ahead. In a short time both of them used to drink water and so on. Then the fight would begin. Both used to fight on horseback.
(And thus made a full three-page answer)

Question # 6 What is Malaria?
Answer - Malaria Valeria is nothing, in fact it is all a feeling of the mind!
(Doctors please read it carefully)

Question # 7 Describe some measures to remove poverty from the country?
Answer - Every poor person should make a law to keep them after sending them to America. America is a rich country, if one of their citizens takes care of the poor, then poverty will be reduced from our country.
(What said, together, both the poverty and population problems of the country end)

Question # 8 Write essay on cow?
Answer - Cow is our mother.
- The shoulder bag is not visible on its shoulder.
- It does not ring a bell on a bicycle.
- It consumes grass.
(Poor kid remembered the postman, now these test takers are really bad)

Question # 9 What are Protons?
Answer - Proton was discovered by a very good person. It is most commonly found in milk. Drinking this provides a lot of strength. Bones are also strong. Nowadays the scheme of getting 100 kg neutron and electron free is also going on with five kg of proton cans.
(Brother body-builders, abandon everything from today and start consuming protons)

Now you also say something… please?