

First fall ‎... 4 ...
I kept pressing my friend to tell me what the real reason was behind her decision, but she did not tell me anything, and every time I settled things between us, she came back anew and opened the gaps that had been caused In my being, uh, only if you know how much I loved her, to the point where I decided to leave seven of my friends in order to focus with her and make her complete in my life After I felt that my soul was dispersed and that I could no longer continue, I decided to agree with her and separate ... Do you know how much I kept interrupting her ?!.Only three months, it was the hardest moment in which I suffered from your crying like I had never cried, the suffering did not end here, so I decided to go to my seven friends to help me and reconcile us, but what a surprise.All of them ignored my words as if I had not told them ... Imagine what your situation is when you feel that you are alone and you have no one in pain, broken bleeding ... what a cruel life ....
© D.maze...🍁✨