

Not In Time
The characters, scenes, settings, and plot are based on the imagination and are all made by the author.
ps: I'm not that good at writing a story so it's possible that there will be some grammatical error and not suited words to be found in the story.


"NSG(Not So Genius) Club"

-President Calvin A.(Anson) De Vera
-Vice President Ryle C.(Canzo) Dela Vella
-Secretary James Dylan (Jaydi) M.(Milandro) Dawson
-Treasurer Hans D.(David) Laurier
-Auditor Zed C.(Ciden) Wilson
-P.I.O Jonas A.(Akellis) Cadelle
-P.O Jarred N.(Nirenzo) Luis

Other names to be found in the story:

Cydelle, Kia, Jerille, Raine, Vineese, Lance

- Valirie R.(Reniel) Harrison




Just a peek

The story is about friendship, love, and mystery. It first began when they started to build a group called the NSG Club, which has six members. At first, they need one more because they're still incomplete, but then they immediately find one because of their one member, who has a friend whom he easily introduces to the others. Years passed, and they became really good friends. After three years of friendship, they're still close to each other. But, as they say, "no one is perfect, not even between friends or in any kind of relationship," which is why there's always going to be a problem. In this stage of their lives, they began to understand that everything matters, even simple things. Cherishing every moment and enjoying it isn't the only thing you should do. Do as you please, but don't forget about the importance of mentality. Being happy doesn't mean all are fine. Awareness is a must. You, as a single person, shouldn't be so calm; you should know to be aware of what's happening around you. And start to ask: Is everyone okay?

To be continued...

@Jazzryl 09/15/23
© Jazzrylme_justreal

I'm still working on it :)