

The Story of New August 2021
That it is, the dim light, of the nature changes, in several issues, in some cases, build up, the life after, lockdown, that stuck the conditions globally.
My life, face the pendemic 2years before, the major operations, that sucks, my downfall so bad.
It been the curse, of the, life, that's really squeeze, the whole life,
Alhamdulillah, the life lesson, teach me well, I just open back my, habital love, the library, even me, actually, the book worm, never dissappoint me, back to basics, using mobile, only, to get the intro learning, of the, Cuocera, by Mindfullness, suits with me, close to emotional intelligence.
I do believe, the constant action, of the uncontrollable media, the popular Social Media Platform, that be created, by the, Mark Zuckerberg, the multimillionaire, that, create the most unique, new Mass Media medium, the widest not filthered, Social Media.
So, moral here, I won't take a this article, to long. The compact, concluded, here, the minds works fast, when disability, challenge, life, in memorable way.

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