

Rising Dead 24
Kai is lying on the bathroom floor trying to get up but unable to get up

  He is in pain as he croweld  towards the mirror of the bathroom and sits on his knees

   He takes few deep breaths and used all his strength to get up he managed to grab washbasin and gets up looking in the mirror

  His one eye turned pitch - black and another one aslo turning black
He coughed mouthful of the blood in wash basin and quickly washed with water and again looks at mirror
And puts one hand in his image on the mirror and dropped on the back side

   And started rolling bother sides as he cannot able to bear the deadly pain but he didn't able to shout or even mourn , he started crying and suddenly lyed  on the ground flat looking upwards

And next moment he feels burning sensation in his entire body , he wanted to scream in pain but nothing comes from his mouth

  This is second time he is in pain firstly when he entered Abandoned home with Eva following him around and locked himself in the house
But compared to that pain this is much worse

   Kai looks at around but he feels dizzy and only colour he able to see is Black and White

After Eva left him in the lobby he started feeling dizzy so he quickly came In the boys bathroom and unlock himself like last time he did

   Agin Kai gets on his knees and started punching Floor with using his all strength , there is only one thing going on in Kai's mind to counter this pain and that is Death

  As he punched floor his fist started bleeding but he kept hitting the floor and his injuries became worse and worse after each hit after some time he started losing his consciousness
And drops on the ground and his vision  became all dark

         Eva looking in the eyes of Marko making her face disgusting , Marko looks her in the eyes and then looks at her soft and lucious  red lips , then he stick out his tounge  and slide over his upper lip Eva looks away without a word

   Suddenly Mona grabbed Markos left hand that holding a gun and Noor pulled one of arrows from container
And moves towards Marko

   Marko looks at Mona is struggling to hold his and and he is about to hit her but Noor stabs in his right palm with arrow with lots of force as she stabbed arrow penetrated his palm and Marko let's out loud mourn and dropped his gun and pulled out arrow from his hand

   Mona quickly picks up gun and raised towards Marko but he didn't stoped he started heading towards Noor in anger and said " You bitch "

    Eva gets up and kicks him in the face Marko stumbled back but quickly recovers and looks at Eva furioussly and said " I am going to _ " but Garry kicks him in the back and Marko dropped on the ground , Marko looks at Garry in fear
    As he trying to get up Garry started kicking him in the ribs

   Mona and Noor  looks at each other and came close to Eva
Eva looks at them and smiled and looks back at Tony , Tony still crying she quickly came close to him and hugs him and said " hey look at me I am ok " Tony looks at her and hugs her back  as they looks at Garry and Marko

    Garry sitting on the chest of Marko and hitting in his face very hard and said " you dare to assault girls and killed one of  the our peoples , I am going to kill you "

   Everyone looking at Garry without a word Mona steps forward and puts hands on Garry shoulder and said " Your are not like him dad leave him alone please everyone watching "

  tears started rolling down from Garrys eyes  as gets away from Marko and hugged Mona immediately and looks at Eva

Eva smiled nervesly at Garry then Garry looks back at Markos bleeding face , he gets up and said in panic voice " I am sorry Garry please forgive me ... I beg you "

   Garry said in heavy tone " don't apologize to me Marko apologies to that girl " and guesters towards Eva
He turns his head towards Eva and started kowtowing and said " please , forgive me miss Johnson "

   Eva said in angry voice " you don't deserve forgiveness " Marko looks at Eva in fear in his eyes  then Garry said " we cannot let someone like you stay here with us  " and looks in the eyes of Marko

   Marko looks at Garry in pleading look and started looking at everyone and said " I am one of you , you just cannot throw me out  "  and started looking at every one in hope but Mona said " nobody going to help you here Marko your are the monster "

   Marko gets up in the shock in his face and looks back at people and  started running towards the door
As he came close to people's he pushed aside kid and one of the women and runs towards door

    Eva face widen and she said " stop him he is going to open that door " everyone looks at direction of the door Marko came closed to that metal door and looks back at them

   Garry , Eva , Mona , Noor and other few survivors came forward and then Garry said " don't do that if that monsters enters in this building he will kill everyone including you "

   Marko turns around and smiled as he said " don't worry about me Garry worry about your people "

  Garry shouts and said  " every one go to your rooms and don't come out "

Garry looks back at marko said "  hurry up we can not let that monster enter in this building "

Everyone start running back as fast they can Eva also started running and grabbed Tony's hand and dragged him with her after she came close to her bow and arrows she lets go of Tony hand and looks back at Garry and Mona

   Noor and Mona comes close to Tony and Eva , Mona said " let's go Tony " and dragged him in the nearest classroom

   Marko opens the door and hide behind the one side of the door

   Then that monstrous creature steps in the school enterance looking at the survivors everyone freeze on their ground in fear

      One of the survivor shouts loudly " Feral " and runs backwards , feral looks at him and with incredible speed  he decreased distance between them and slams his hand on that guy
That guy flew on the walls and droped on the ground and looks at him in fear

    Feral quickly came close to him and put his hands on his hip and other one on shoulder and bites him on the rib cage as he rip apart him in the mid that guy shouted loudly as he died

    Eva looks at him in fear Garry is aslo with Eva and grips his machete other survivors looking at that horrible scene without speaking any word or moving from their positions

   Feral eating that persons organs people loses their moral and started running in the rooms but doors are locked because previously few old man's and kids and women's already entered classrooms and locked from inside

  They started shouting open the door please that voices attracted Feral and he looks towards them and started running towards few of the survivors but Eva shots arrow towards feral and that arrow panetrated his legs he stopped in his track and looks at Eva

Feral turns his attention towards Eva and as he standing on the ground he pulled arrow from his leg and arrow  dropped on the ground

    Few of the survivors came close to Garry and Eva and one of them said in panic voice " he ... Is ... Intelligent " as he looks at feral

    Garry said " Dave you have gun right " Dave steps forward he has Markos gun , Mona gave him before she go in the classroom

   Dave points his gun at feral and started shooting as he shouted " I cannot let you hurt my family " and shoots all of the bullets on feral , most of the bullets hits the feral and he drops on the ground without moving

   Everyone looking at feral but he didn't move any muscle peoples started raising there voice one of them shouts " he is dead we killed him "

   Garry and Eva let's out a sign of relief and then classroom doors open slowly and few people started looking out and other one looking from the windows towards Garry and Dave ,
Eva smiled as she saw Mona and Noor looking at her from one of the windows Tony's waves as he smiled Eva also waves looking at him

  Then more than two guys dragged Marko towards corner of the chair and tables , Marko looking at feral in feared gaze then looks at peoples and saw lots of unpleasant gaze towards him

    One guy said " I locked the door behind so he cannot run away this time " and kicks Marko in the back

    One guy came close to feral and kicks him in the head but nothing happens again he kicked two more times and turns away and said " he is really dead "

    But suddenly feral gets up and grabbed him from behind and bites his neck and rips head from his body  .the guy dropped on the ground lifeless and decapitated

  Peoples again started shouting and running in the rooms but feral looks at  them and let's out big loud roar

       In the bathroom Kai suddenly opens his eyes and gets up on his legs
He is still feeling dizzy but he is recovering , he came close to washbasin and  started splashing water in his face and hairs  few
Moments he kept looking in the mirror and he is slowly gaining his senses back
  And he heard shouting and loud voice of zombie out side , he started heading towards door his white t shirt is became bloody red but he has no sign of injuries in his hands ..........

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