

How "Death" made me appreciate "Life"
Do you want to live because you are afraid to die? If you think something should be written about the question, go ahead and do so.

Such a beautiful prompt. My thoughts about death or to be more precise life have always been it's a routine. When you are kid you go to school, do studies. When you grow up you go to your job and work. When you have family, you provide for them and take their care and then those things add to the routine. When it's all over, you simply die and it's end of the story. I never felt the beauty of life before I actually came close to death.

It was the time when I was Kota, Rajasthan, preparing for my exam. My preparation was not good at all, and it was confirmed that I wasted my father's hard earned money. During those days, life just felt like that disgusting cigarette advertisement that you want to skip as soon as possible. If I be honest, I did think maybe I should kill myself.