


Based on a true story.

The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back ...

Doctors told me it was my heart. I hadn't been breathing well because of my heart. The niggling little pain in my chest was because of my heart. I would need major, open-heart surgery.

An aneurysm? How had a tennis ball-sized aneurysm lodged itself into my beating heart? How had no one ever detected it before? Is that why my lips were always blue?

I was an adult. A wife. A mother. A grandmother. But they said I was probably born with it. It had grown over time. Hospital staff was surprised I was still standing, much less walking, talking and functioning in a normal manner. How could this be?

They said the surgery would last about four hours. It lasted nine. They said I should have been nervous. Scared. Frantic. Yet, I felt a soft peacefulness. I knew God was with me. Holding my hand. Comforting me. Telling me everything was going to be all right.

And then, my body began to turn blue. The surgical team had already stitched me up. I was getting no blood to my extremities nor my brain. Nothing. Nada. No life-needed nourishment. No life-sustaining sustenance.

The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back with my gathering of family and friends?

Colors of light violet and blue, bold yellows, oranges and reds were mesmerizing. I was drawn in. The quiet rays beckoned.

The blood clot was removed. Nothing was in my way now. The decision was my own. Should I walk toward the sunset or wait back ...

© Melissa Andres

#sun #heart #God #peace