

This world is not to judge
People do a lot of things to make their life happy but they don't know the meaning of true happiness. They try to find their happiness in worldly things, it is a good thing. We are sent for a purpose in this world and we think that few worldly things are purpose of life. finding true happiness is not easy in this world , it has always been a tuff task because of our over indulgence in the this world. It is difficult to find a single person who is happy after being highly intelligent. Reason is that he will judge everything according to his wit and no one will be correct. So don't judge everyone. You have been given this life to enjoy every moment and you are polluting it by endless desires; which can never be fulfilled . We have been given priceless gifts by God but we compare those gifts by the things which have been collected by those who are corrupt and wrong doers. As we start to compare these precious things with others , unknowingly we send a message to God that these worldly things are super in compare of His gifts. This is main reason of our sufferings and spiritual diseases. Our desires will never be satisfied. 'Patience' is a single word for all the sufferigs and difficulties of life. So don't compare yourself, you are the masterpiece of God.
© Zafar