

Strange Body Bid Tale
The glass drops and all crazy happens as
the guys fight over a dead women's body.For you see the was worth millions. She had been wonderful places. And given gold grill cheese with real gold flakes. Or champagne with gold flakes in the glass right so a lot of
gold .Not to mention the other gold ring she swallowed from a guy she killed long ago worth 80million dollars.
So no one knew but a few and they sat on the side lines and waited for someone to kill her. But then they say
she was at the hospital.And a bunch of men broke into the hospital and steal
her body. Then they get it in a truck and have a bidding war outside the truck and cash was the money.And the men had lots of it for her body. One was the hem cutter who made the ring
For the man she stole it from.Another
was the guys friend which she stole from. And the last was a guy who saw
her dated her and then the streets talked to him about a ring worth a lot
in her body. But this made him yell at her about it calling her dumb. And they broke up and she told him one day you are going to come back for me. You
missing out on love. But that's the thing he never really loved her. So they
yell out who will pay a million all hands
go up. Ok 2 millions 3 hands go up one guy walks away.Then 3 million one manhand goes up.3and a half million then two hands go up and they both
are there until one puts his hand down
and the sold signgoes up and they open the truck and give the morgue body bag
to the man and his helper and they load it up and carry it away. Then the guy take her to there lab and get the ring
and then sell it to the gem cutter for
19 million and then they each 9 and a half million.And then they part ways one buys a gas station and the other
buys guns and wants to robb his own
foodservice truck which some bad men
stole from him two years ago and the revenge is still on his mind so he goes and does the deed but he ends up
dead while he was walking to the car
the man he killed mother sees him
and pulls a gun on him and terrors
him about what he did and takes him
to the family house and they yell at him for killing there kin. Then the lady puts a gun on him and drives him to the police station then says walk inside
and turn yourself in or I will shoot.
So he does and he turns himself in and goes behind bars. And writes this story
and tells his lawyer if I don't make it out of prison. Get my story in the media and on the news or a movie so
people will know what I have been through. But the other man who
was rich lives a great life and never looked back but gets drunk and dreams of the dead girl who gave him his millions. And then goes and meets a lady and they live as friends for he was not like the other guy he wanted to just be right for living with means. And if you want to know he did go to prison
and he talked with that guy that got the ring out the girl and he tells him you can not put my part about my girl and the ring and how I became rich in this
book of yours. So he does and it goes to his grave. The other guy died in prison
while the other guy may have gotten
away with a dead robb of some hem.
So this is just crazy but it just goes to
show . You never know what is inside
somebody that you can use for your
millions and trillions in a world of strangers.