

The Silent Cry
Ravi was a bright young man in his early twenties, full of aspirations and dreams. He had always been the pride of his middle-class family, excelling in school and college. But as he stepped into the working world, the weight of expectations grew heavier on his shoulders.

After completing his degree, Ravi landed a job at a reputed company. His parents celebrated, believing their sacrifices had finally paid off. But what they didn’t see was the pressure that came with it. Ravi was expected to earn well, support the family, and eventually get married. With every passing day, the dreams he once had for himself—traveling the world, starting his own business, or becoming a writer—seemed to fade into the background.

The office environment was competitive. Ravi worked long hours, often staying back to finish projects. His colleagues were friendly, but the constant comparison made him feel inadequate. “Why don’t you work harder like Rohan?” his boss would often say, unknowingly deepening Ravi’s sense of failure.

At home, the pressure was relentless. His parents would ask him about promotions, savings, and plans for marriage. “When will you settle down? You’re not getting any younger,” his mother would say, her voice tinged with worry. Ravi felt trapped between fulfilling his family's expectations and chasing his own dreams.

As the months turned into years, Ravi’s mental health began to deteriorate. He felt isolated, unable to share his struggles with anyone. Friends would tell him, “You’re doing well, just focus on your career,” but they didn’t see the turmoil inside him. He often found himself lying awake at night, consumed by thoughts of worthlessness and despair. The dreams he once held dear felt impossibly out of reach.

Despite his outward appearance of success, Ravi became increasingly withdrawn. He stopped meeting friends, avoiding gatherings where he would have to explain himself. The smiles he wore were just a mask for the pain he felt inside. He started to entertain dark thoughts, feeling that maybe the world would be better off without him.

One rainy evening, after a particularly difficult day at work, Ravi reached a breaking point. He sat on his bed, surrounded by the dreams he once cherished, feeling utterly alone. In that moment of despair, he made a choice that would forever change the lives of those who loved him.

The next morning, Ravi’s family found him. The shock and grief were unimaginable. His parents were devastated, struggling to understand how their son, who seemed to have it all, could feel so lost. Friends and colleagues mourned his loss, grappling with the signs they missed, the conversations they hadn’t had.

As the days passed, the community began to talk about mental health more openly, realizing that behind the smiles and achievements, many young people faced similar struggles. Ravi’s story became a catalyst for change, encouraging others to seek help, to speak up about their feelings, and to support one another.

Ravi’s life ended far too soon, but his dreams and struggles sparked a conversation that needed to happen. Though he felt trapped by the weight of expectations, his story served as a reminder that it’s crucial to listen, to understand, and to reach out—before it’s too late.
© Nishmitha Kotian