

"Are you ready?" Mom screamed so loudly."Yes mom,I am almost ready".I said and walked towards my study table.I took my bag and confirmed that I have packed all my books and pencil boxes.Especially my instrument box.Otherwise my maths teacher is going to scold me today also.I moved to the dining table and took my mom's boring vegetable sandwich.Eating this everyday has made me feel the breakfast so disgusting. "Tania, make sure that you have ate the food completely. Don't you know that how many children are dying day by day without getting healthy and nutritious food".Well, my mom always know that I would never waste my food when she says about the condition of children who has nothing to eat.I washed my hands.My mom brought the tiffin containing vegetable salad and bread toast with some cheeze on it which she considers as her masterpiece.I waved goodbye to mom and started to move on.

When compared to a child's life the most happy moments in his or her life would be spend with thier family and friends.But the only thing that makes me happy is the simple excursion that I enjoy on my way from home to school and from school to home.I Don't know why.....

The paths I move,the roads I cross,the vegetable shop owner RamGopal uncle,aunty Monica's garden, military uncle's house....Oh God !! there is a lot to say. My grandma always says why is this girl so different.Why can't she sit and watch the discovery channel or admire her beauty. Granny, I do admire the beauty.Not mine but the elegant beauty of nature.Papa always says, "Dear, why are you not travelling in school bus ? Atleast take your bicycle.What is the need to walk so far ?".I can only give him a brief nod and a simple smile as an answer.

I can never explain that why I am so excited to see all these things daily.Eventhough the one and only thing that I know is that, I can't never feel asleep without feeling that breeze on my way.

As usual ,I was on my way from school to my home.I noticed aunty Monica.She was nurturing her plants.I saw a beautiful red rose in her garden. She saw me watching the red rose ."Hello....Do you want the red rose ?" I really want to have it.But I was so shy to ask her about it.She took a small sapling of the red rose plant and brought it towards me."I know that you would be very happy of I give that red rose to you.But you should know the pleasure of planting a small plant and feel the happiness when it's bud blossoms into a beautiful flower" .She offered it to me so kindly and I was not able to denay her offer. I said my gratitude to her.I was in a hurry to reach my home.I passed through military uncle's house.He was doing his regular evening exercise.A street dog passed across me.It was a rainy seoson.The Earth smelled so nice due to it's wet sandy and muddy surface.

I reached my home.I put my bag on the floor and took the plant to my garden.My garden was not a so rich as Monica aunty's.It was enough beautiful with marigold, hibiscus,lilly and some shrubs.II started to dip the sand. Mom ran towards me and asked"What are you doing here?Go and change your uniform" ."Mom ,I will be back soon .First let me plant this".
My mom was not able to stop me.She leaved me free and went to the kitchen.I nurtured it with some water.I was so happy indeed to see a simple plant.My papa came to me and asked why I was in the garden in my uniform.I pointed to the new plant.My father understood what I meant.He put his hands on my shoulder."You are great dear because you always finds happiness in small things.It shows how positive you are".I was so proud to hear him saying something good about me.I hugged him.He told me that he want to speak to me.So I went to my home to become fresh. After the tea I went towards my father who was reading the newspaper.Mom and granny was also sitting next to him.The hall was so silent.

After a minute of silence ,my dad started to speak."I am not in a good mood.Everything was going so well.But suddenly the situation changed. Company is going throught great loss.Many of the employees have been fired.I necer thought that I would be the next to step out from my office".Everyone got so uupset.Mother was so sad. She couldn't believe that her husband had lost the job.My father's salary was the only source of income which oru family had. She said,"You were working so well.How could they fire you ?You have the best qualification". Dad had to say something.Eventhough he was not able to speak.

Two days went on.I was on my way back to home.I neede to reach home soon becuase I needed to nurture my new rose plant. I was not able to enjoy my journey so well.First time I was no been so happy.I don't know why.I reached near the gate of my house. I saw a taxi car .My mother was packing her dress.Dad was on his phone.Granny was sitting on chair and thinking something .Mom asked me to bath and change.I asked her why eveyone was so nervous.In great dilemma she told me that we are shifting to another place .As my papa had lost his job we were not able to continue there.He had got a new job in the nearby city.

My mom was saying something .Eventhough I was not able to hear her.The world seems
to be against me.The little happiness of my life was going end. I was not able to respond.Mom had already packed my belongings.I went to the garden and took a look at my rose plant.A drop of year fall from my eyes in it's tender leaves.A small breeze was still blowing that which made my hairs to fly on the air.I felt it like Mother Nature's blessing.

The taxi moved throught the roads through which I used to move on.Monica aunty was not in her house.Even military uncle's house seemed to be empty.RamGopal uncle was busy with his customers who has came to buy his vegetables.

Can I return to the same paths and roads which I had used for my simple excursion from home to school and from school to home???????

© Hiba Jaleel