

A Letter to Meth..
who was I before you came into my life and took over? I forget who that person is. Will she ever come back and be yourself again? or is she gone forever? two of my kids birthday have passed no phone call to either one. too busy getting high or trying to anyway for now. you have ruined my life and I let you. why did I go against my better judgement? why am I so stubborn? I have to work to find the girl that is lost. am I ready? I am an addict addicted to meth and if I don't quit it will ultimately lead to my death. I keep using to avoid the crash and just feeding the addiction. so, am I ready to try and quit this abuse? am I ready to stop this insanity? Will I really recover or will I fall back into your pit of darkness? you make me doubt myself you take my motivation. You don't get me to where I want to be anymore so why do I continue to use you? You are the devil and you are evil you've taken my light and gave me this addiction. you have your clutch on me. Will you ever let go? I doubt that I will beat you I doubt that I can Your grip is so tight on me. You invade my thoughts you have turned me into a different person you have stolen My Hope, progress, and Recovery away I've always been an addict but the day that I met you you raped me, changed me, and invaded me. let go of me will you let me go? I think you've claimed enough victims you can do without me. stay out of my head stay out of my thoughts.