

Fonding memories.
It was a week day. I returned from school to the bus depot. I was waiting for my bus. A group of boys were playing . Their yellings,screamings and laughters were loud enough to be heard. Everybody ,at the station ,was reacting to their noises and I also turned my head to see who they were.There I saw a boy among the group, wearing the same uniform as mine,laughing uncontrollably. His laughter left a joy on my face too. That was the first time I had seen that boy. His cheeks were red from the laughter and his cheerful face could literally make anyone fall in love with him. Until then I had never seen such a shiny boy. He was cute and fair. But what made him more attractive was the innocent look that his face bore. And I instantly fell for it .
Realising that him and I were studying in the same school, I sighed happily. The moment I saw him, a train of thought was going on in my mind like " how long has he been studying in my school ? Have I met this guy before? What class is he in?" etc. Thinking about him my bus had come. To my surprise,he also boarded the same bus ,leaving me shook. From then on,. It had eventually become one of my routines to wait for him at the depot just to steal a quick glance. When you truly feel attracted towards a person ,even his minute reactions can literally take you on top of the world.
But the irony was I did not know his name neither his whereabouts nor if he was younger or older.
But one day ,we were on the line to get on the bus,the boy was standing only an inch away from me. I was praising his beauty internally and kept on looking at him in awe, ignoring the fact that I was in the middle of a crowd. Then all of a sudden a name was being echoed from my back and the boy looked around and yeah I finally discovered his name. Eventually I turned myself into a lady version of Sherlock Holmes. I kept lending both my eyes and ears to know more about him. I was on cloud nine that I found everything i needed to know.
He was one of the main reasons why I loved going to school everyday. Until before I had met him , I was head over heels in weekend . But after I met him, weekend was just like nightmares . Because I had to wait over those days to see him again.
As times roll in ,I got strongly attracted towards him. But the irony was he had never ever acknowledged my existence. He never looked me on my face . Sometimes I just wondered if he had the same feelings for me as I had for him. But at some point I caught him staring at me though. When our eyes met ,we looked away. I had face off with him for many times. Evey time I prepared myself not to look at him,we would end up looking at each other. Even though I did not get to see him in the morning, I somehow would see him before the day end. Never had a day in those two years that I didn't see him. As a result I was sunk into a lot of thoughts like if such things happened coincidentally or from my mere imagination. I couldn't draw a conclusion because what more you could expect from a 14 year old girl.

Like in all romantic movies ,the person who falls for someone makes extra efforts to steal a glance or just to be near him or her. Like this I also looked out for ways to see his baby face and his playfulness.
It's been years since my feelings for him had vanished but still looking back to it, I kinda feel amusing by the fact that I was completely over him that I thought I couldn't be. Since it was a one sided puppy love, it was not that hard to get over him. Still I often feel surprised at how I could be able to control my emotions around him, neither to be too obvious nor to be shown less (All credit goes to my emotion secreting glands ). They were all very well balanced.

We have accidentally met many times recently. I know that sounds awkward but it is not really . Since humans are blessed to have a divine gift called "moving on", even impossible things seem possible.
But deep down I know that he was my first and last crush . Nevertheless no one can ever replace him since he was the "first."