

Please Be Gentle.

They were plenty in number from the moment I stepped on this town. It was a perfect little place. The people were sweet. Even the birds seemed too calm.

/But why does it turn into a ghost town once the sun starts sinking?/


Everyone carried a scent of lies around them. It hung around thick and heavy. And once we get a whiff of it every time, we can see the smiles turn into an ugly grin.

/And the fog of perfection lifts like a veil./


There were plenty of them. The kind that they try to keep covered even by shoving it into the closet. The one that they pretend not to exist. The one that breathes deep in the town.

/Why do they turn a blind eye?/


I see them. I hear them. Some with no body. Some with no eyes. Some with a mask. Some with just a smile.
Sometimes I see them whispering sweet little nothings to someone, I see them tempting people to destroy themselves.

/They’re too hypnotised to understand that they’re mutilating themselves./


The title that they gave me when I spoke out what I saw. When I said that I could smell the death around. When I said that there were too much hidden around.
And those faces kept telling me that I’ll never win.

/Maybe they’re right?/


It was made to me. Not by a person. Not by those faces. But from me to myself.
Maybe I knew it the whole time when I wondered why these horrors are happening only around me.
I am not sane.

/Was I insane all this time or did they make me?/

//I guess I won’t get to know.
It’s my turn now.
Please be gentle.//

© lostforever