

My Story, my life!
I had an almost deadly experience all for the cause of curiosity at it's highest order.

Some years back when I was still a little child, I was wondering around the house as it was my normal routine.

I had this curiosity to try something stupid which eventually led to my realization of how stupid I was.

Wondering around the compound, I decided to walk into my mum's shop which was built to our fence. The doors were opened, I walked into the shop, observing the fridge like a scientist trying to carry out new experience. I opened the fridge, held the lock with my fingers beneath, and decided to see how life was, for the slaughtered chicken and fish placed in there, or so I thought. Although, at that moment, there was no power. I opened the fridge, my stupidity got the best of me, and I entered the fridge closing the door above me first of all, ensuring that the fridge door won't lock me in suddenly.

Then, only to my baffling surprise, the lock betrayed me and in I was locked!.

An hour or so passed, drenched in the river of my own sweat, I could hear my self weeping and reciting the little memory verses I knew.

At that point in time, I wasn't sure of life itself. I somehow gave up on life as I could also hear myself saying 'oya God, even I'm going to die ehn, forgive me my sins! Let me see you!' meanwhile, my prayer point should have been for someone to save me.

At some point, I started screaming at the top of my voice.

Many minutes passed and one of my dad's apprentice showed up and opened the fridge.

Surprised at how I got in there, she asked me numerous questions none of which i could give a tangible reply to, that's even if I was able to talk. I was in shock!

I got out slowly, my cloth dripping wet, my eyes filled with tears. I went in and into my room avoiding my parents!
© jhaybarddaily