

Was sitting at the front of my house counting the number of vehicles n' bikes that pass when a stray thought hijacked me from the monotony. Let's reason together, walk with me. Who infected us - humans - with the mentality that life is or will be rosy? Because if not, why do we get heartbroken when it doesn't? Is it the fairy tales we grew up reading, the happily-ever-after movies we watched, or the societal pressure to conform to a certain standard of success?
Whoever it was, they sold us a lie n' we bought it hook, line, n' sinker. But the hard truth is, life is messy, unpredictable, n' sometimes downright cruel. You might not get to reap what you sow, cos' someone might cut it down before it gets to germinate. What goes around - with hike in fuel price - might not come around again. As a giver, you can find yourself swimming in lack, life is just that cruel!
Despite experiencing these first hand, why do we still cling to the notion that everything will work out perfectly in the end? Is it hope, naivety, or just plain denial? The earlier you accept this truth - you might not want to hear, the better it is to live life the way it is n' avoid getting hurt by its twists n turns.

© The Dhramatikpen