

Summer Break
Okay, here is the missing chapter One of the story to why the boy felt depressed even though it was summer break, with first person point of I accidentally installed to write, lol. Enjoy.

Chapter One

Couldn't sleep with my student best friends hype  behavior hard for my brain to shut off.

Wanted leave the school bus walk on home  with  themselves wait the long ride on there own, but it's midnight, and dangerous to leave out alone.

 Never felt of being so alone. Not completely apart of the group.

Still of us seniors on our way out the outisde world, they still not grown up.

We don't have the same intrests or vibes no more.  It felt no point hiding my true feelings  for them how I feel. So they don't feel bad any time soon.

Not like they cared tried   pumping me up half way dragged dancing  out the  seat. My heart beat turning up.  Not the same to my face exprsssion fleet..

Group of children  watched the bus get father away from a boy's house, standing  the block the stair case way on up the stairs. The bus then stopped past the next stop to drop off few senior year girls off the drop. You guys have a awesome summer break, you hear?" Mr. Davis bus driver asked.
You too, Mr. Davis!" They waved on the each step down away.

Have a good afternoon now!" The assistant Ms.Garcia said.

It around past the next five stops dropping off students near there homes emptying the  music pumped mood full short bus little by little.

It pulled up towards the boy's house.

Swoosh smoky air a foot put on the brakes for the school bus modernly stop.

I sighed the gather my backpack an belongings and quickly wrestled out them touching me anymore.

Tapped   my phone shoved into my pockets.

I seen the buddies outside already waiting for me in front of my house. Wow, those your siblings-" "No," I interrupted, pretty vague. Had no energy listen to anyone else had started speaking to me. Hey-" I looked over to him tired as ever. My eyes dampened  be hard to blink.

I couldn't think clearly.

I'm gonna play the Doom Hell Incarnate, this summer," he whispered. Sway a bit move my ears away his mouth giggle a smile a bit.

Thanks for telling me about the old version I last remembered you played for hours online battle each other with your friends.

Been so long the old  game still alive."

"Me the same, I replied.

I'm glad make someone happy."

"Have a good  best of  the summer  young man, he nodded his head. Cheer up," he pat me on the back.

  I'll try," I then smirk a smile wave good bye.

My phone kept buzzing an buzzing.

I finished my way down the stairs instead of answering it.

Yes, yes Amaon here bro!"

They said gathering up run to me  with excited smiles.

Made my way towards the exist.

Walked up behind an front the walk backwards.

Get me convinced the play outside after camped at home for several weeks.

Missing so much play time at big swing-swing playground back  the lined  apartments  one road way street behind us.

"Yo, I miss you much man!

It been so long!"

The shortest girl talking to me  of the pack, jump leg-lock around my waist hugging me.

Wrapped my arms around  kept her balanced the few careful steps I took having her  off my back.

"My bad for getting you big trouble. I was to in over my head try the mess with you."

"Aren't you happy the same as me buddy?

You don't got to go school no more.

We could see you every single day!

Better if one of us at least don't got go school no more  then  the be none the begin with?

Huh, huh?"

Bro, you got any more of that Domino's hot an ready pizza?"

Had run myself the 200 feet way on over here just in time you got off the bus.. Huff......huff.....

I want share some again with my brother this time."

Ayo, you gave this little boy, pizza without me?"

Hey, who you calling a little boy, 10 year old!?"

At least I'm half age close to  your mom!"


What you say about my mother!?"

A cool breeze went past,  the door unlocking with a squeak.

And my hands started rubbing push past with my  arms slowly  close back the door.

No one hands stuck through the door key holes creaks of the hedges.

Amaon, please come back!"

"Alright! We'll let you get ready but if anyone is last to the play ground you gay!"

Hey, you can't do that un-announced you cheater!"

The last I heard of them, the tall oldest girl of the bunch having the last word.

Mentioned of how it felt never have the go to school again.

He halt  kick opened the  door into his bedroom with so much frustration.

He lay his hair back roughing up his complexion.

Rough day on the last of school. 

Lets the straps of his  backpack thud to the floor along with my other stuff spread everywhere on the ground.

Unstrap his necklace house key chain hanging my swayed door on the handle.

Fallen face down in his bed still having the   school clothes on few feet away the drop point.

Rather he make it or not, he  didn't care. Wanted  go the   sleep either way was fine. 

It taken out my  misery, was better in his favor then  dealing with this.

Smelled   coated coffee creamer oats cereal.
Un-resisting  smell it was.  Felt so fluffy an warm.

Pushed out blankets  hugging his teddybear   puffed  up against the pillow sticking behind comforting his head
to stamp spine to his  neck.

His  eyes started giving out, falling into being compelled  to a deep sleep.