

14. Did I really do it
A month later

Mia's P.O.V

It's like my body is here but my mind is elsewhere. He has been more possessive lately. He wants me by his side at all times. I feel like his favorite toy.

I honestly want to die. I feel weak. I can't remember what happened over the past few years. The only thing I remember is before the kidnapping and I don't know why I don't even know myself anymore. I lost my sanity long ago.

We were in his office. I was sitting on a couch next to him. This is my first time out of that room he kept me in. I never left that room until this day and I wonder why.

"Mia darling" he said softly.

"Yes Dominic" I answered.

"Come sit on my lap darling"

"No," I said softly.

"What!"he shouted.

"I said fucking no I don't care what you do to me just kill me I'm tired of living like this" I said with tears running down my face.

"Oh poor princess" he said whilst laughing.

"You want me to let you go how funny you're mine now remember that" he said with an evil grin.

"I would never be yours you fucking demon I hate you kill me kill me you fucking demon!" I screamed.

He came to where I was sitting and he was standing over me. I had to bend my neck back to look at him.

"Poor stupid little princess look at you I pity you" he then started laughing.

"You know what Dominic you are a sick fucking psycho!" I screamed

"Oh thank you bitch now take off your fucking clothes take them off let me fuck you one more time. I miss that tight pussy of yours oh how. I know my brother won't want you again. I fucked you so good you begged me like a bitch for more" he said with an evil grin and his eyes filled with lust.

"I would not let you touch me, leave me alone, don't come near me, you psycho!"

"Oh shut it princess, you and I both know we already made love before I could remember you sinking your nails in my back calling my name begging me to cum in you so darling don't act like you don't want me now" he said with a serious expression.

I never slept with him. I don't even know I can't remember oh no did I sleep with him if so I don't want to live anymore.

"I never slept with you," I said softly.

"Oh really darling you don't remember me thrusting back and forth in that tight little pussy of yours I can remember you saying my name as I thrust deep into your pussy I can remember you telling me to give you a child" he said with a very serious look like he wasn't joking around.

"Anyways Mia darling. I don't want you anymore. I have already taken your virginity and I know that's enough to make my brother go crazy. I would return you I have no use for you anymore but I must say I really enjoyed your pussy it's so tight oh I wish I had gotten you pregnant like you asked me to multiple times but I just don't want any children"

Did I really sleep with him oh my. I wish I could remember but I just can't and he doesn't seem like he's lying. I can't live like this I don't want to live if I really give my virginity to this fucking beast.

If so I would be a disgrace. It's a shame our family would be ruined if a woman knows her mate and sleeps with a different man or if a man knows his mate and sleeps with a different woman he or she is known to be a disgrace and is often frowned upon in the supernatural kingdom and it's even worse for royalty our family would lose some of its respect maybe even all people would look down on me they would call me whore, slut , bitch all kinds of names and I would be removed I won't be royalty anymore.

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