

Does death scare you?
When I was 18 years old my life was so simple until my friend was murdered, I'm 22 now. But I still think about what happend to him. It was just a normal sunday when I saw on facebook that people were saying "r.i.p Anthony", Of course in my head I think everyone is just playing stound. But I kept seeing more and more post about Anothny. I dropped my phone and srated screaming, My friend destiny came in asking if I was okay, I looked at her she saw the tears in my eyes and asked me what was wrong. I was stuttering so hard and I finally said, "Big bird is dead" In high school that was his nickname. I know she didnt understand me because she didnt know him very well. But I couldnt do anything but cry because big bird was one of my best friends, School was even harder. Everyone was crying, Teachers were too. When I found out hoe he had died.. It crushed me. He was shot by his own gun, in the neck. Pronounced dead at the scene. After this happend I didnt live the same. I had night mares that I would die in every dream I had, No matter what kind of dream it was.. I died. Ive been afraid to die ever since, A couple years go by. Living a normal life when another friend passes away, I think to myself every day, Am I next? More and more people die every day I just bow my head and shake my head. So many lifes lost forgotten, just gone. I am afraid of death only because I dont know where I'm going to end up at. Are you afraid of death?
© Hunter Miller