

A Story of tigers family part 1
There lived a young tigeress and his four babies,She layed that babies on two days before,
Now only the babies learning to lead life.
One day the mother and their kids went to forest to learn to catch animals...Suddenlu yhey hear a diffrent sound the tigress stoped yheir kids ,she hidden then behind the big tree.Suddenly a van stopped and unluckly thetigress get a gun shoot from the hunter ,but tigress for their kids she gone to attack the hunters.
Hunters were run away .
But the tigress stoped and call their kids get a huge sound,the kids are come near to their mother.
Unluckly the tigress was died,but the little tigers don't know their mother died..
They think like their mother was slept.And they also slep near their mother still the morning..
The hunters come back in the morning.why they kill the tigeress means because of their skin.
The kind tiger babies don't know that.
The hunters take and come a big bone to catch the tiger babies.
But the three tiger babies went into the forest but the one tiger baby catched ..
They kept that in bone but it was sounding very loud.
It was calling her mother to help,
But it can't able to escape from there,the hunters gone by taking the tiger.
After that the forest officer catch the hunters and put tjem in jail.
After that the tiger join in the tiger cub nurcery park..
Evey day the tiger missing their mother and their brothers and sisters..

So in this story because of the hunter the cub loss their family and their love..!

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