

He doesn't know I exist
There's this guy i met this year he have gone through lots of suffering and never had anyone to look out for him...he drop out of school when he was 12...had to live alone all by himself..cause his parents will never notice him and won't ever talk to him ! there's lots of things that goes in his mind cause everyday he feels pain as he grew! lived in a dark place and couldn't able to smile, was all alone and was never noticed...as he told his stories tears fall down my cheeks then later when i look up at him...I heard his laugh he wasn't alone anymore he have make lots of friends he could consider as family..and im glad he made it up there..and seeing him it gave me courage to live my life again...just that..he doesn't know i exist...but thats fine..no matter what I'm going to support him and that if somehow in future my kids ask who is he...I'll say " He was someone who gave me courage to live..someone who i went crazy for even without seeing his face...even thought he didn't notice me..I've always prayed for him...yes..he is corpse husband..and he always have a special place in my heart "
He saved me
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