

A Never Ending War
I'm lying in my bed while being embraced by the darkness all around me. All of a sudden, my chest tighten and my eyes watered.

"Not again! Why?!" I exclaimed while holding my head with both of my hands.

"You want answers?" A voice spoke.

I close my eyes and breathe in deeply. That voice, I'm hearing that familiar voice again everytime my depression trigger.

I sat up on my bed, and my eyes darted all around my pitch black room until a figure emerge from the shadow. The figure looks like me but with a more demonic appearance.

"You again?" I growled.

"Why yes, I just couldn't leave you alone you know?" The figure chuckled.

His heavy footsteps can be heard all around the room. When he gets closer, I sprung up from my bed and grasp his shirt tightly.

"Why aren't you dead?!" I exclaimed

"You can't kill the real you!" He replied.

"I'm a christian, a son of God! Not a de-"

I was cut off and get send flying across my room towards the drawer, knocking out my breath.

"You disappoint me, what happened to you?" He stare at me with his empty eyes.

My tears start to fall from my eyes, I feel so cold and vulnerable. I just want this haunt to be over.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered.

"You're missing something inside you heart." He replied grimly.

I just look at him silently. He walk towards me and I felt one of his hand grasp on my neck before lifting me off the ground, I keep punching and kicking but the grip didn't even loosen up a bit.

I felt his breath when he brings his face closer to my right ear.

"You need me Dave, you will always need me...You are no christian!"

I felt his grip gets tighter. My face begins to turn blue.

"How far can you fall Dave? That's the question."

I felt his grasp loosen, I fell to the ground coughing and wheezing while my vision gets blurry. When I finally recovered, I look up only to see I was all alone inside my room.

"When will this nightmare end?" I said to myself with a shaky voice.

"I've change! You hear?! I'm no longer your puppet!" I cried out.

"I met friends that I can trust! I don't need you anymore!!!"
© Dave