

Essence of life
As life goes on, we live or die. Do right and wrong, love and hate.
Yet no knows the meaning of life. So what's the difference between dying soon or later on. What if the life we are in is not our but someone else's.
As life goes oon we either learn our own meaning of life as we also choose to live out lives with someone else's meaning or not. Yet no one knows your suffrement that you've been through. Still everyone manages to know your mistakes. Who will understand a poor soul who is trying to go back to it's place.
This poor soul will just have to deal with all the pain that bump into her and won't leave her alone.
As life goes on we learn to try to live in a life that mmay not be yours yet we still try.
As life goes on either the pain goes on or stays. Guess for this poor soul, pain just chochoosed to be part of the soul wondering, forever.