

A letter painted with the drops of blood.
Put my body into the grave and burn it along with my soul for I don't want to exist more in this bizarre world. But beforehand tell my beloved to decorate my coffin with the enchanting flowers all around. Yes I want to take birth in a world where my selfless love could be scattered with pride and where I could set my soul in gloom raising with perfect light with time.
I could measure the bliss as well as pain sensed. There were the days where I lived but my soul was slowly stepping into the pedestral of death. But who will see,who will hear those silent volcanoes?
Finding it helpless I myself become the spirit of seeking a positive desire.
But now I choose to surrender as it is difficult to hold my truest self among those broken pieces. There is time for an ant as well there is time for a tiger in a wild forest.
If my words is able to touch your sense then you are requested to forward this piece to him that the girl who dreamt of creating a paradise with her beloved has left the Universe leaving this letter painted with drops of blood of her own. Her soul now smile and danced with the vibration of endless sea
by throwing off all her setbacks which poisoned her blissful mood.