

By the Contract: Part Three
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Sir" Alexia said getting up from his laps

She wanted to go to the restroom when her foot slipped spilling the champagne on his clothes. She could see anger boldly written on his face, embarrassed at what she had done, she continued to apologize

"I'm really sorry Sir" she said again bowing

Judys phone beeped, just what she had expected would have happened.

His eyes was dark, rage was building up inside him. How dare she? Who was she? He looked at her, their eyes in contact with each other. He looked at the woman standing in front of him, head bowed embarrassed

Who the hell are you? How dare you just barge in?" Laura eyed her disgustingly

"I'm very sorry miss"

She didn't look up, she dared not. Deep down she knew she had ruined his night.

"I'm really sorry Sir"

"Sorry can't undo what you've done" He said in a firm, authoritative angry voice and banged his fists on the table. Nobody turned to look at them, immediately keeping their phones

"I'm sorry Sir" she said again.

Judy rushed, carrying their bags and dragged her friend out. She had to help her friend and get out as quickly as possible before people started to give them more unwanted attention. She knew her friend was in a mess already, her name would be everywhere already, on the tabloids.

"Whoa, what was that?" She said when they got outside. Alexia didn't say anything, she turned back and looked at the man that sat there with a anger clearly written on his face.

"Get in, we have to go home before things get all worse" she waved down a taxi and headed home

"What the hell happened back there? How did you fall?" Judy looked at Alexia

"I dunno, my foot slipped and I fell on him making that mess" she pointed to where he sat

She was so embarrassed. How could she ruin someone else's dinner so carelessly? Especially his date. She had to apologize to him if she ever got the chance to.

They got to Judy's house but she had to go home. She was tired, ruined a stranger's date all in one night.

She threw herself on the bed thinking of how she would apologize. Slowly she drifted off to sleep.


He threw the car keys on the table, loosened his tie and went to the balcony.

The news had spread immediately, his name was all over the internet. This definitely was a mess, his father mustn't hear about it.


"Hello Mr Azaiah, what seems to be the matter"

"About what happened tonight..."

"You have to put it down" he said firmly


"No buts" he cut in sharply

He was angry as he remembered what she had done. He was angry at everything, why did he choose a shabby restaurant in the first place. Anything could have happened. It obviously wasn't his fault a lady slipped and fell but things weren't funny. the press wouldn't listen to whatever was the truth, they would only believe what they see.

His father mustn't know about what had happened. Setting him up on a blind date with Laura was to build their company the more not see him tangled in a soon-to-be scandal.

"I'm sorry Sir, I'll fix this" the editor said quickly

"You have thirty minutes" he hung up

He tightened his grip on his phone. Who was she to try to ruin him?

He dialled a number on his phone and a man in black suit came in minutes later.

"Yes sir, I will" he said and left. He dipped his hands in his pocket and smiled mischievously

She had to pay for what she had done.


She woke up with a banging headache. The sun rays peeped through the yellow curtain. She brushed her teeth and went downstairs

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Sam waved at her

"Good morning Sam" she opened the bottled water she took from the fridge

"Slept late?"

"Yeah.. kind of"

"Went to the club?"

She looked at her brother, what did he take her for?

"Nah, tried out the new restaurant..."

"Whoa, I knew that was you" he brought out his phone

"What are you talking about?" She went to where he was

"See" he showed her a video of what happened exactly

She grabbed the phone from him and read the comments, now this was more than what she had expected

'she did that on purpose'

'that's sly'

she's a wreck, she's trying to ruin their night

seeking for attention

'see the look on her face'

'she's sitting on his legs, seducing him'

She angrily put the phone on the table. The comments disgusted her, she didn't do that on purpose. She felt like squeezing life out of them all. How could they blame her when they didn't know what truly happened.

"What happened?" Sam asked

"Nothing much, I just slipped that's all, it wasn't my fault really."

"Haha" he chuckled " You called that just?"

She looked at him

"Its not like I did that on purpose, I don't know what he looks like. I know I ruined whatever he was doing that seemed important"

"That's Azaiah Falkor"

"Azaiah Fal who?'

She had heard that name before. She tried to remember, Judy! She asked if she remembered who he was

"So? Who's he?"

Geeked, he took his phone on the table and showed her a picture.

He truly was handsome, strikingly and dangerously handsome.


He read out from his phone

"Lexie, you just fell into the arms of Stanes most powerful man" he looked at her in astonishment

"I said it was an accident, I didn't mean to" irritated at explaining to her brother who's only teasing her she turned to leave

"Do you know what just happened?" He ran in front of her


"You're now a star" He gesticulated "imagine the headlines, 'NEW MYSTERY GIRL LANDS IN FAME' "

"That's dumb Sam...stop being childish" she walked away from him

"Wait" he took his phone and stood next to her putting his arm around her neck

"Or you want another headline..."

"Don't you have basketball practice?" She put his arm away and headed to her room

"Gosh. Yeah... See ya later Sis, love ya" he ran upstairs.

She picked her phone from the bedside and checked the internet. The headline she saw shocked her


Why did they make it as though she intentionally fell into his arms. Everybody acted as if they didn't see what happened that night so how come she saw her picture clearly but his was blurry.

Her phone rang, it was Judy

"Hey" she dryly

"Alexia!" Almost screaming. Alexia put the phone away from her ear before she put it back. " Did you see it yet?" She said almost in a whisper

"Yes I did, just now"

"Girl that's a wow"

"What do I do now?"

"I dunno, you didn't do that on purpose. I feel like tearing their faces out"

"It's all over the internet right?"

"You bet...it's Azaiah Falkor honey, the Lone Grim Lord"

"Who's he?"

"Well.. that actually is a long story"


"Okay, brief history. He was the youngest billionaire at age 23 or 22, the heir of his father's company. No one's ever seen a woman around him except for his hot fashion chic sister and his mother. Damn they are so so beautiful, like goddesses"

"Wow" he was really a big deal

"Yeah, wow, that's what you gotta say to that. A big wow. I dunno why he came to that kind of place last night. I guess he had an important stuff there which you ended up ruining. A date I guess with that tiny broomstick pale skinned lady"

"It wasn't my fault. My foot slipped and I fell, do I need to get a notice before that happens?"

"Yeah, like get a beep beep for that" she laughed

"I'm serious Judy"

"Oh my God!" She screamed

"What happened?" She asked, she was scared

"I forgot I was cooking, gotta go Lexie. See you in the evening"

"Oh..Alright. bye" she hung up and put the phone on the table.

She took a shower and went to the living room to watch TV. It was Saturday, her grandmother would be home on Sunday.

The doorbell rang, she wasn't expecting anybody. She got up and answered the door.

Nobody but a package on her doorstep. She looked left and right for traces of anybody who might have left it, there was no one then carried it and went back inside.

Her name was boldly written on it.

Alexia Meyers

She tore it open and found an envelope with her name written on it again. She opened the envelope and found a letter in it


Written in bold letters. Shivers ran down her spine. What could it be?


"Hello brother" Astrid said coolly

"I need your help" he said to her as she sat down

"Whoa! What did I just hear?" her laughter echoed through the room "say it again" crossing her legs

"Ugh... I need your help Astrid" he said forcefully. He never begged anyone for favours. In fact, he hated it. It made him look vulnerable. But he needed his sisters help. The eyes and ears of Stanes.

"Okay, lemme get this straight you need my help on?" she watched him. she knew what had happened, he hated scandals. there had been lots but this was too obvious and his image was going to be affected

He dipped his hands in his pocket and sighed "you saw what happened three days ago" he paused to look at her

"Yes I did and it was bomb" she laughed

"I need you to get that girl for me" he continued "...the girl that caused this, I need you to get her for me"

"Uhm why?" she asked leaning closer "It's not like she did anything wrong"

" I just need to know who she is" he didn't look at her. He knew she would finally detect he was lying. He really needed her to pay for what she had done. He was grateful to her for ruining his date with Laura but she had put him in a mess, scandals was what he hated most, always tainted his reputation and of his company

"So what do you plan on doing when you know who she is?" she folded her hands "It's not going to be easy, you might have to... maybe tell the press you're going out with her, you know" studying his countenance.

"It's never going to get to that" he paced around

"Okay, let's say I believe you" she walked towards him "I will try my best" she eyed him and turned to leave." Hope you don't regret this brother, the press won't be fooled by whatever trick you're playing" she said behind her and left

He smiled, there was no way he would regret it, definitely no way

Astrid Woods, fashion icon and multibillionaire, Azaiah's younger and only sister, four years younger than he was. She was the eyes and ears of Stanes. She would definitely get her, he trusted her.

He picked his phone and dialled a number, he needed to get to work

© Bluebear