

West of the Case: Part 3
An hour or so later, the pair show up at the police department. Beck walks in, tugging his grey fedora down over his eyes, West following close behind him. She grins. She likes teasing Beck about his fedora. The only reason he wore it was because his hair was thinning in a few areas. Of course, he would never admit this, but his close friends knew the reason behind the hat without being told. Beck may be tall and masculine, but he cared about how he looked and despised the fact his hair was beginning to thin, and even turn silver in some spots. West knew this and was constantly bringing it up to mess with him.

West sweeps her chesnut hair behind her shoulder, having to speed walk to keep up with Beck's long strides. She doesn't visit the police station often and is relying on Beck to get her where she needs to go.

"Hey slow down!" she snaps after a few minutes of speed walking. "I'm not an overgrown giraffe like you are you know."

Beck glances over his shoulder at her, smirking.

"Oh, I'm sorry you can't keep up with me," he replies, "maybe one of these days you'll finally hit your growth spurt."

He turns back around, and West, who is far past the age where she could possibly grow another inch or two taller, smiles.

Finally, Beck finds the room he is looking for. He knocks on the door, and in a moment a man answers it. When he sees Beck and West, relief floods the man's face.

The man is short and stocky, his belly bulging under a long-sleeved work shirt and tie. He appears to be somewhere in his mid-sixties, with white thinning hair and a prominent mustache growing above his upper lip. He smiles, his brown eyes wrinkling at the edges.

"Good afternoon Frank," Beck says, and the two men shake hands.

"Good to see you Beck. I'm so glad you and Ms. Samantha could make it," Frank replies, his voice gruff and gravelly with age. West steps forward and shakes his hand.

"Hello, Frank, and it's West," she says. Frank smiles and raises his rather bushy, white eyebrows.

"Oh yes, West. I forgot," he replies, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. West narrows her eyes.

"Well, shall we get down to business?" Beck says quickly, placing a cautionary hand on West's shoulder. She brushes it off.

"Yes of course. Please, come in," Frank replies and gestures for the two to enter the room. They do, and are greeted by the gaze of five officers sitting around a large wooden table. They eye the detectives wearily. Beck smiles at them and tips his hat, trying to be friendly. West holds back a laugh.

The two sit down, and Frank soon follows them, sitting down heavily in a metal folding chair at the head of the table. The other people in the room watch him intently.

"Well," he says after a moment, "Where should we begin? This is the first time the Spencer County Police Department has had to deal with anything like this."

He pulls a pair of reading glasses from the breast pocket of his shirt, wipes them off, and sets then atop the end of his nose. He then picks up the stack of papers in front of him and shuffles them for a moment before continuing.

"An anonymous caller contacted one of our dispatchers at approximately three o'clock this morning. He reported a double murder, two teens that had been traipsing around the woods..." here Frank looks up and raises his eyebrows again. "For unconcluded reasons, and then proceeded to give the address of the location of the murder, Forrest Street, Spencer County. After reporting this information, the caller then confessed that he was the one who did it. He, the caller, was in fact the murderer he was reporting."

Frank pauses dramatically, filling the room with a suspenseful silence. West rolls her eyes.

"A few minutes later officers arrived at the scene," Frank continues, "finding the bodies and confirming the victim's identities, the boy, Daniel Gibbs, and the girl, Lila Hudson, sixteen and seventeen years old, were both residents of Spencer. However, there was no blood on the scene. No rope, no signs of a hanging or shooting or drowning. The bodies appeared untouched and were taken to the hospital for an autopsy."

Here, West raises her hand.

"Sorry to interrupt," she says, glancing at Beck who is frowning at her disapprovingly, "but you mentioned you sent the bodies to be autopsied. How long will it take for the results to come out?"

"They said they'd have basic results in around twenty-four hours, but the full and final results may not come out 'til at least three weeks from now," Frank replies. West nods thoughtfully, and frowns.

"Ok, so basically my job is to find out WHO killed them, not WHAT killed them," she says.

"Well, yes, but any help you can offer would be great," Frank replies. West nods again, and Frank continues.

"So, West, I'm warning you, this case may be tough. We have no evidence whatsoever, and have no idea who did it. Whoever killed them was smart too, and most likely very dangerous. Are you sure you want to take this case?"

West glances at Beck, who nods ever so slightly. She smiles.

"We're in."