

I'm Sorry
For a timeless moment, he was suspended within the confines of his car. Then gravity took over with a force that sent the vehicle hurtling down the face of the ravine.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." His broken apology flew down with the blood spewing from his lips...

His thoughts jumbled, spiralling towards just one final thought,
"I'm sorry. I should've done better, done right by you. Treated you like the queen you are to me, proven my love for you with every breath and not allow my pride come between us."

As the car hits it's resting place, deep within the ravine, his consciousness whispers in his ears, "when I told you apologies do not diminish you, you should've listened. Now look at you dying at the bottom of a ravine, no loved one close by to hold your hand in death."

Tears rush out at the corners of his eyes. Emotionally drained and physically broken beyond repair, pleading for death, the voice of the gods whispers in the wind...

"What would you give for a second chance?"

© Amanah Saiis