

Do You Remember the times…?
Remember the times when a guy was a guy and a girl was a girl?
When being “gay” meant you were happy.
When the word “they/them” meant a group of people.
When Binary/Non-Binary referred to code.
A time when people actually knew who they were.
A Time when people only believed in two Genders… Male/Female.
A time when someone knew exactly what they were just by looking between their legs. A time when a “gender glossary” didn’t exist.
A time when people wouldn’t get offended when someone called them “Sir/Ma’am”
A time when people were not influenced by social media or allow others to dictate Who/What they are.
A Time when life was simple.
A time when people were not enslaved to someone else’s opinion. And fooled to believe that 1+1 is =3.
A time when people actually thought for themselves used their power of reason to ascertain the truth.
A time when people didn’t get offended for not using “their pronoun” yet they refuse to call you a man/woman as if the male and female gender doesn’t exist.
A time when people would read this and see it for what it is. And not get offended or feel it’s a personal attack on everything that’s good.
I miss those days….

© JustAnotherInkling🎨